Hobby and Sports fair

Are you looking for a new hobby? Do you already have a hobby and want to find an association within the university community? What are these mysterious hobby associations?

The Hobby and Sports Fair is back! At this fair, you will have an excellent opportunity to discover the diverse activities of our associations! This year, the fair will first be held at the City Centre Campus in Päätalo on Wednesday, September 25th, from 10 am to 3 pm, and the next day at Hervanta Campus in Kampusareena and Tamppi Arena on Thursday, September 26th, from 10 am to 3 pm.

First-year students can also earn points if there is such a category in your fresher’s pass! Additionally, at the fair, there will be an opportunity to explore associations with the help of a fair pass, and with a complete fair pass, you can participate in a lottery.

More detailed information about the associations participating in the fair will be announced by September 16th!

The event is organized in collaboration with Akateeminen Mahti and the Teekkareiden urheilu- ja voimailukerho (TUrVoKe).

Additional information about the event:

The event follows TREY’s safer space principles. You can find the safer space principles on TREY’s website here.

Accessibility information for campuses can be found on the Tampere University website.

Let’s ensure the event is pleasant and free of harassment for everyone. If, however, you encounter inappropriate behavior or harassment, you can contact TREY’s harassment contact persons at hairinta@trey.fi. [You can also reach them through a form, which you can find via this link.] (https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=41efuf–UEO81RmAN7fRZ2gqBrJpoNZJohpRcL1IltdUQk0xSkRLMk5XUDBTUUZESVZYV1VJN00zViQlQCN0PWcu&route=shorturl)

For more information about the event, you can contact TREY’s Riikka Yli-Rahnasto (riikka.yli-rahnasto@trey.fi, Telegram: @treyriikka) or the association’s service email at jarjesto@trey.fi.