TREY Service Offices are open from Monday to Friday. All opening hours and exceptions to them are listed below. You can contact the Service Offices via phone (city centre Service Office: +35844 361 0210, Hervanta Service Office +35840 713 0073) or email

Service Office opening hours

Opening hours starting 1 May 2024

Mon-Tues: 9-13

Wed-Thu: 12-16

Fri: closed

Summer opening hours and holidays

  • TREY Service offices are closed on Fridays starting 1 May 2024.
  • The Hervanta Service office is closed during summer holidays 17.6. – 29.7.2024.
  • The city centre Service Office is closed during summer holidays 20.6.-29.7.2024.

The van keys for the weekend bookings can be picked up on Thursday. The Hervanta van can be rented throughout the summer with restricted hours while the city centre van is not in use. You can contact the student union about any special arrangements by calling our service numbers or by contacting

Van keys during summer 2024

  • The city centre van is not in use during summer 2024.
  • The Hervanta van is in use and keys for the bookings can be picked up between 10 and 13 during weekdays from TREY Office (Päärakennus, 1st floor).
  • On Friday 20 June keys can not be picked up because of the Midsummer.


The university premises are open from 8 to 16 during the week without a access card. Access card is needed after 16 o’clock and student accesses work after that based on the building opening hours. The 24/7 spaces are open around the clock. The most current information on the university accesses is in university Intranet.

The locations of the Service Offices are found on the Locations-page.