Student Union of Tampere University, TREY, represents all the 19,000 university students in Tampere. TREY protects the interests of students, facilitates the work of student associations, provides services for its members as well as creates a sense of community. All of us students constitute the student union. According to the Universities Act, the main task of the student union is to liaise with and on behalf of its members and to promote their societal, social and intellectual aspirations.

TREY’s activities

The core message guiding all TREY’s activities is We students.


We students promote the interests of students. Read more on the Advocacy page.


We students act in diverse and versatile associations. Read more on the Associations page.

For members

We students produce services for our members and use them. Read more on the For members page.


We students create a community. Read more on the Community page.