Visiiri is a student union magazine published six times a year, funded by the student union. Visiiri is a journalistically independent publication that writes about topics of interest to Tampere University students in a variety of ways. Check out Visiiri on their website – their content in English is growing! Follow Visiiri on social media @visiirilehti, as well.

Visiiri’s Editor-in-Chief is Maria Muilu and Art Director is Joel Peltonen. Contact information for Visiiri can be found on their website.


TREY started preparing its own student media during the spring of 2019 by making a survey on what expectations and wishes students have regarding the matter. On 29 October 2019, the council decided to found a new student media for TREY. By the council’s decision, the media outlet would be both in a print and digital form and journalistically independent. The preparation work for the new student media in Tampere began in March 2020, when Aapo Laakso was hired as Editor-in-Chief. Later in spring, the editorial staff was filled with Art Director Pauliina Lindell, who began her work in designing the magazines look. The first Visiiri-magazine was published on 7 of September 2020. In addition to the printed magazine, the online version of the magazine was also launched.