What kind of help TREY offers in harassment cases?

TREY has three harassment contact persons who will give advice and support in harassment, assault, discrimination, and other cases of inequality students might face. You can contact the harassment contact persons even if you are unsure of your situation or want to discuss ways to intervene in cases of harassment. If needed, the harassment contact persons will guide you to further assistance.  

Harassment contact persons offer conversational help. We offer deliberation and support in cases of harassment, bullying, discrimination or other inappropriate treatment. We also help process these cases and, if needed, help you take further steps in the process. The harassment contact person only operates on the student’s terms and will not advance the process without the student’s consent. All emails and discussions with the harassment contact persons are confidential.  

The harassment contact person is not a judge, jury, or any other official. Thus, we are not in power to punish anyone. Our job is to find solutions to difficult situations via discussions and deliberations. We are not in power to force anyone to meet us against their will.  

How to contact?

You can contact the harassment contact persons via email . The emails are read by Laura Kaipia, Jenna Rantanen and Ilona Taubert.

Harassment can also be reported via TREY’s harassment reporting form in Microsoft Forms. Anonymous reporting is possible, as well. Please note that anonymous submissions cannot be used to take further action. These will be read by the harassment contact persons. Anonymous submissions are a good way to report, for example, general observations regarding equality and discrimination. The forms is read by Laura Kaipia, Jenna Rantanen and Ilona Taubert.

In the case of improper conduct, bullying or harassment between a student and an employee, or inappropriate conduct, bullying and harassment between students in teaching or research work, the case belongs to the university’s harassment contact persons. You can find university’s harassment contact persons information in intra here.

Harassment contact persons


Harassment contact person Laura Kaipia

, tel. +358 40 713 0074

Harassment contact person Yeti Kakko

yeti.kakko@trey.fi040 713 0079

Harassment contact person Ilona Taubert

ilona.taubert@trey.fi, +35850 361 2846

All harassment contact persons can be reached in the email harassment@trey.fi

Harassment contact person Yeti Kakko is on parental leave until 6/2024.

No form of inappropriate conduct needs or should be tolerated. If, however, you witness inappropriate behavior, act according to the following guidelines 

  1. Let the offender know clearly and straightforwardly that you do not like the behaviour they are directing at you or someone else 
  2. If you do not dare to do it alone, you can ask for a friend or a harassment contact person from the student union to help. You may also write a letter.   
  3. If the conduct is continuous, write down all the locations, times, and people who have witnessed it.  
  4. Also, hold on to all other proofs of the conduct, such as text messages or emails. This helps us further process the case.  
  5. Contact a harassment contact person in the student union, and they can help you settle the case confidentially. 

Inappropriate conduct is behaviour that is against the law or contrary to accepted principles of morality. It is often systematic and continuous with negative undertones and manifests itself as actions or neglect. Even individual, milder actions can be inappropriate conduct if they are repeatedly directed at the same people. If repeated or continuous, inappropriate conduct may endanger a person’s health. Both students and university staff can be guilty of inappropriate conduct.

Harassment can be based on factors including but not limited to age, skin colour, opinions or beliefs or be sexual and gender-based in nature. Harassment is offensive behaviour that manifests itself in words, actions or attitudes. Innuendos, inappropriate facial expressions, gestures, touches, calls or messages and vulgar talk are all forms of harassment.

Psychological violence is continuous, repeated bullying, disparagement or other negative conduct. Psychological violence feels distressing, demeaning, humiliating or threatening and makes the victim feel defenceless. Inappropriate conduct includes threats and shouting, physical and psychological violence, unfoundedly criticising another person’s characteristics or personal life or questioning their mental health, and excluding them from social interaction in the community.

All conversations with the harassment contact persons are confidential and no actions are taken without consent. Their job is not to punish the accused but to support and advise the students who have faced harassment and to discuss together with them on how to proceed. The harassment contact persons can be asked to contact the accused offender and hear them out about the situation. The person accused of harassment always has the right to be heard on the matter.

Situations are addressed on a case-by-case basis, but the typical settling of harassment cases proceeds as follows:

  1. The harassment contact persons are contacted by email, TREY’s harassment form or phone.
  2. The harassment contact persons hear out the victim and ask them how they wish to proceed. Further measures are not obligatory. You can also just talk with the harassment contact persons without taking further measures.
  3. If the person reporting the case so wishes, the accused offender is contacted. The person accused of harassment always has the right to be heard and the harassment contact persons usually invite them to a face-to-face meeting. The other party’s view is heard, and the situation is discussed in the meeting.
  4.  If both parties are ready for it, the contact persons suggest a common meeting where the case can be discussed or settled. The harassment contact persons can be present to guide the conversation or they can be asked to leave.
  5. All parties are offered the opportunity for a follow-up if any questions arise after the meeting.

If either party is on the university staff, the harassment contact persons include a university representative to settle the case.

Harassment contact persons also offer help in dealing with conflict situations between students. If you are in a situation where you can‘t move on from a conflict alone, dont hesitate to contact us. TREY‘s harassment contact persons can also offer mediation and act as mediators.

TREY also provides assistance and help for associations under TREY. Our service includes but is not limited to, sorting out processes in harassment cases and changing rules regarding sanctions. You may also contact us if a representative of your association needs help and would like assistance or guidance in their situation. 

We have published instructions on discipline measures for associations and an example rule regarding disciplinary action. These instructions are in TREY’s material bank here. We suggest familiarizing yourself with the instructions before taking any action.  

We also educate our associations on equality and intervening in situations involving harassment. We inform and promote these lectures in the associations’ mailing list. Associations may also bring suggestions for other training pieces to any TREY sector. You can find all the contact information  on this page.