Students’ climate strike #yoursolution

The students’ national climate strike is organised on Friday, April 5th. In order to restrict global warming to 1,5 degrees, all parties must commit to concrete actions instead of mere talk. People of Tampere will also participate in the national demonstration from 11 a.m. onwards.

What does the event include? “A national striking can include, for example, informing about the strike at the doors of campuses and schools, going to polling stations together, having strike picnic’s in hallways or another activity the students want to do together. You’re allowed to be creative!” 

As we noticed on last Friday, March 15 in the students’ international climate strike, great effects can be achieved by a collective demonstration. Tens of thousands of children and youths all over the world set out to demonstrate, so that we could also have a habitable planet in the future. the UN Secretary General António Gutarres took note of this and summoned an additional UN climate change summit, which will be held later this year. It is time for the decision-makers of Finland to do their part to prevent climate change. The climate crisis will not wait.

The goals of the event are partially familiar from the national student movement’s objectives for the election. With the students’ climate strike, we demand parties to commit to the following:

  • Finland must be carbon neutral by 2028
  • Commit to increasing carbon sinks and restrict forest felling
  • Stop the use of fossil fuels by 2035
  • Abolish the operating aids that are harmful to the environment and move towards the taxing of emissions
  • The development of public transport and paths for pedestrians and cyclists are invested in considerably more in the upcoming term
  • Climate change is considered as a part of the education system

Therefore, the climate strike is one way of raising climate related matters as a part of conversation and to demand the decision-makers to take action. You can find more information about the students’ climate strike from the Facebook event, from Twitter @opIlmastolakko and from Instagram @opiskelijoidenilmastolakko. The event is politically independent.


TREY’s #yoursolution -blog series is part of SYL’s and SAMOK’s #koulutustaprkl -election campaign. The three main goals of the campaign are climate, education and welfare. You can read more from here.