Tampere University will implement a Usage Agreement regarding associations spaces – TREY’s discussion event for association operatives on 17th April

Tampere University will be implementing a Usage Agreement regarding association spaces, which will by signed in tripartite by the associations with facilities, the Student Union, and the University. The objective of the Usage Agreement is to clarify what is and isn’t allowed in association facilities, and to pre-emptively avoid recognised safety threats. The University will require all associations with facilities to sign this agreement in order to allow the continued use of association spaces. TREY is one of the agreement’s signees, as we are in charge of association space distribution and admin.

The Student Union has negotiated with the University on the contents of the Usage Agreement, and we have sent it to the associations’ mailing list today, 3rd April 2023, for everyone to read. The agreement will also be introduced to associations at our discussion event on 17th April 2023 at 15–17 in Festia’s main auditorium on the Hervanta campus. All operatives in associations with TREY’s association status are welcome to the event. After this, we will hold another discussion event with the University on 3rd May, where the associations can discuss the matter with University representatives. The sign-up link for the event is in the email sent to all associations, and specific info on the event with the University will be sent to the associations’ representatives who have signed up.

Understandably, the Usage Agreement will evoke a myriad of emotions in associations, and the Student Union is here to support you all during this transition period.

More info: Yeti Kakko, Specialist in Association Affairs (yeti.kakko@trey.fi) and Laura Kaipia, Specialist in Social Affairs (laura.kaipia@trey.fi).