TREYHEM Gala of 2023 awarded the volunteers and acts within the community

The TREYHEM Gala of 2023 was organised in Platform 6 on Thursday 30 November. During the Gala, we reflected on the past year in the field of associations, celebrated achievements and great projects within our community. We received a huge amount of suggestions for award recipients and we would like to thank for the great variety of wonderful suggestions given by the community. During the gala we gave 13 awards and they were given to the following events, associations and people:

The council representative of the year
Elina Lehtinen

Advocacy act of the year
The University takeover project

Sustainable development act of the year
Cortex ry

Halloped act of the year
Johto ry’s Kollegio

Well-being act of the year
Kesäterassineuvosto (Guild chairs of 2023)

International act of the year
Atte Sinkkonen

Association active of the year
Ina Lehtola

Association active of the year
Vasko Panzar

Event of the year

Tutoring act of the year
Elina Reims

Volunteer of the year
Albert Iho

Wappu event of the year
Wappu spin by TARAKI

Student community act of the year
Iida tiedottaa- Telegram info channel

Pictures from the event and the award recipients can be found in TREY’s photo gallery at