The pandemic group of Tampere Universities in its meeting on 17 September discussed teaching arrangements and the opening hours of campuses for the rest of the year 2020. After the meeting, the managements of the Universities made their decisions on the matter. New guidelines become effective 28 September.
Teaching will primarily continue remotely in the second period until 31 December. All necessary teaching, like laboratory work and small group teaching, will still be arranged on campuses.
University facilities:
The doors of campuses remain locked and access to facilities is possible with a key card. When accessing facilities (e.g. computer labs), you must always use a key card to enable monitoring. Always use your own key card!
The access rights of students will function for the rest of the year as follows:
Students can access the 24/7 areas of campuses Monday through Saturday from 7.30 until 22.00. On Sundays, the facilities are closed.
- This applies to the following facilities: the student facilities in Pinni A (the gate building), the Pinni B computer lab, the Linna silent reading room and computer lab area, the Arvo 1 learning centre and the whole Hervanta campus
The opening hours of other facilities return to normal on weekdays and can be used Monday through Friday from 7.30 to 20.00.
- These opening hours apply to the following buildings: Päätalo (main building, the city centre campus), Pinni A and B, Virta and Arvo 2
- In addition, Päätalo is open on Saturdays from 7.30 to 15.00
Association facilities can be used within the opening hours and access rights of the building they are located in. Safety distances of two metres must still be observed. Info and security personnel make sure that the facilities are empty by 20.00 or 22.00.
EXAM venues:
Exam venues are in use on weekdays from 8.00 to 20.00.
On Saturdays, electronic examinations are possible between 8.00 and 15.00 on Hervanta campus as well as in Päätalo (main building) and Pinni A on the city centre campus.
All library premises are open Monday through Friday from 08.00 to 19.00. Customer service is open on weekdays from 10.00 to 16.00.
Campus restaurants
The restaurants can serve customers on weekdays from 7.30 to 18 and on Saturdays from 8 to 15 in accordance with the instructions issued by the public authorities and Tampere Universities. For the detailed opening hours, please see the websites of the campus restaurants.
Opening hours have returned to normal. As an exception, SportUni has restrictions for the number of visitors and an advance enrolment for group exercise classes.
The University also hopes that students will actively begin using the Koronavilkku app (a contact tracing app provided by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare). Read more about the app here:
Read more about the University’s policies from the intranet article here!