Actives awarded at Plörgit

Associations’ pre-christmas glogg party, Plörgit, were arranged on 9th of December as a remote event. Associations and association actives were awarded in different categories. This year there was an emphasis in creativity during corona’s influence.

Advocacy act of the year: Complex ry

Student representative (halloped) of the year: Katariina Kojo

Student Council representative of the year: Eero Heikkilä

Tutor of the year: Markus Salonen

Tutoring act of the year: Teknis-luonnontieteellinen kilta Hiukkanen ry

Well-being act of the year: Autek, Indecs and Man@ger’s kilometer challenge

International act of the year: TAYK ry

Association active of the year: Alisa Hakkarainen

Event of the year: ESN INTO & ESN FINT’s Halloween Hunt

Event organizer of the year: TietoTeekkarikilta ry

TREYHEM of the year: SUD-associations: Interaktio ry, Staabi ry ja TARAKI ry

Congratulations to the winners!