Current issues

Statement: Free education must be defended!

Over the past few months, there have been talks about bringing back tuition fees for Finnish degree students. Among others, the Finnish Education Employers (FEE) and the Ministry of Finance have suggested that institutions of higher education should be allowed…

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Even the student community isn’t free from racism

From 20th to 26th March 2023 is the week against racism. During the week, the Finnish Red Cross encourages everyone to recognise and stand up against racism. The Red Cross website says: “Nationality, skin colour, ethnic background, religion or other…

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Parliament, please! Fix the FSHS!

Every student knows that the Finnish Student Health Service, or FSHS among friends, is experiencing quite the pile-up. Appointments and care are difficult to get. The situation is especially bad in the FSHS’s central area, which Tampere is a part…

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