A fresh batch of exchange students are arriving at Tampere University in August 2025, and we’re asking you for a sweet deal: want to help them roll up their first weeks at the university and in the city? To help them, we are recruiting student tutors from all associations and campuses in March. You can join by completing the application form on TREY’s website!
International student tutoring offers fresh experiences, the opportunity to meet new people and a chance to practice your language skills. We require an open mind, a dedicated mindset and a willingness to help our international students. The main language of international student tutoring is English. New tutors can complete the tutoring course and obtain 2 study credits that can be added to your degree’s internationalisation module. All tutors are also eligible for a small compensation.
The application round runs between March 3 – March 19. After tutor selections in late March, all the new tutors are asked to join a training session in April. More information will be provided to tutors closer to the training.
Read more about tutoring and fill out the application form on the tutoring website!