Nominate award-worthy active students and associations!

Have you come across an outstanding association enthusiast or an inspiring tutor over the past year? Does any association deserve special recognition for their exceptional work? The year-end is approaching, which means it’s time to make your nominations for the TREYHEM Gala awards!

The award categories include:
Council representative of the year
Student representative of the year
Association active of the year
Volunteer of the year
Advocacy act of the year
Well-being act of the year
Sustainable development act of the year
Equality act of the year
International act of the year
Stident community act of the year
Tutoring act of the year
Event of the year
Wappu event of the year

You can submit your award nominations through the form, which will be open from October 24th to November 12th, 2023. Here is the link to the Microsoft Forms.