TREY’s board 2020 has decided on their sector responsibilities for next year in the board’s meeting on 11 December 2019. The sectors for next year are:
- Annika Nevanpää: Chair
- Julius Haapakoski: Vice chair, community, campus development, organisational affairs
- Ville Jäppinen: Educational affairs, advocacy communications
- Tuomas Kauppinen: Social affairs (housing, sustainable development, environment, development cooperation)
- Anriika Kauppi: International affairs, sports, member services, corporate cooperation
- Ella Meriläinen: Educational affairs, equality
- Aleksi Niemi: Communications, brand
- Noora Tapio: Health, welfare, municipal politics, income
- Iiris Taubert: Student associations, tutoring
- Salla-Mari Palokari: Events, volunteers, financial affairs
The new board is orientating this week and will start working on 7 January 2020.