TREY has new staff members!

During the first months of the year TREY has been busy recruiting new staff members. In the spring three new staff members have started working in the office. Who are they and what are they going to do in the student union? Let’s find out!

Sales coordinator who writes her Bachelor thesis about stakeholder relations

Mari Sillanpää has just started as the new sales coordinator in the student union and she laughs while thinking back her job interview. The discussion had turned to the content of the job and to the Sillanpää’s Bachelor thesis that deals with stakeholder relations of a company.

Myyntikoordinaattori Mari Sillanpää hymyilee.
Sales coordinator Mari Sillanpää.

”I’m so excited that I will have a chance to ponder the same issues as in my studies. I find creating long-term goals and developing TREY’s

stakeholder relations extremely interesting, and I’m looking forward to getting started!”

Sillanpää already has a vision of TREY’s corporate relations and at least pricing related to events and corporate relations needs updating. Sillanpää is also intrigued by the most fundamental questions related to her job description: what do corporate relations in TREY mean and why are we building them in the first place?

Has the new sales coordinator a plan to reform TREY’s corporate relations completely?

Not really. Sillanpää underlines that her goal is to develop a more sustainable and sound way to build corporate relations so that the hours invested in it are also productive. Sillanpää is eager to start cooperation with TREY’s stakeholders and hopes that the cooperation continues through the current state of emergengy.

”The situation caused by coronavirus makes us feel confused and nervous. For example, how do we arrange cooperation with restaurants during the economically tough times? I hope that we find ways to cooperate despite the challenges.”

How does it feel to be among us students in the student union?

“At the moment it feels as good as I expected! I’m very motivated to work here and I believe that we will have a good year with the corporate relations sector ahead. Of course we want to break the silos and work across different sectors.

Specialist in association affairs who loves the student community in Tampere

Mikael Lehtonen who started his work as the specialist in association affairs in March is excited about the possibility to work with the associations. He highlights that the associations play a crucial role in the university community.

Järjestöasiantuntija Mikale Lehtonen hymyilee.
Specialist in association affairs Mikael Lehtonen.

”The student associations do very important work at the university and I can hardly wait to work with them. I want to support them to achieve greater quality in their work.”

There are several associations within the student union and all of them are characterised by a unique culture. Lehtonen sees the diversity of associations as richness and as a possibility to develop student community.

”The merger of the universities may be considered as a challenge, but also as an opportunity. I want to do my best so that we all could feel that we belong to the same university and to the same community.

In his new job Lehtonen is looking forward to getting to know the associations and is prepared to practical work. In addition Lehtonen is enthusiastic about developing the student union’s work and creating new traditions.

”It is interesting to start working here now when the student union is only a year old. Although a lot happened during the first year of the student union, there is still room for new ideas!”

But what new is to be expected?

It remains to be seen, as Lehtonen does not want to reveal all his plans yet. However, he gives a hint that something new might be developed to the hobby fair of the autumn.

No student media without an editor-in-chief

Ylioppilasmedian päätoimittaja Aapo Laakso poseeraa mönkijän vierellä.
Editor-in-chief Aapo Laakso.

The student media of the new Tampere University is slowly but surely becoming a reality. Now the student media also has its first editor-in-chief, Aapo Laakso, who started in his job in March.

After the recruitment of Laakso the planning work for the student media has made fast progress. A guiding policy paper has been drafted, a budget allocated and as a next step an art director will be recruited, who will create a design for the media.

Laakso views that the student media plays an important role in writing the history of student unions and universities. Closing the student paper Aviisi has irritated Laakso because it left an empty space in students’ lives.

”There is a demand for the new student media. I’m excited about being able to plan the media that responds to the wishes of the student community.”

Laakso has familiarised himself with the former student papers in Tampere and wants to emphasise that the aim is create a completely new media.”

”I want to create a media that is not boring for its readers and similar to all the others. It should be a thrilling experience that also works well in the social media. We want to create something that explodes Jodel!”

“The best thing in this job is that nothing is set in stone yet. I can see my own fingerprints in everything I do. Even the name has not been decided yet.”

We warmly welcome our new staff members! You may find the contact details of both old and new staff members on our webpage under contact.