We are looking for superheroes to join our team!

We are looking for student representatives for the university administration, affectionately known as hallopeds, for Tampere University’s Societal Interaction Council, Appeals Committee and Faculty Councils. As a halloped, you will join our group of superheroes to influence the university’s operations and make the students’ voices heard. You don’t need to be the toughest kopo on the block or possess superpowers to be a halloped. Enthusiasm for impacting the university’s operations and the motivation to promote students’ interests are all you need. The student union regularly ensures the orientation of new student representatives!

The supplementary application period is open until September 6, 2023! The numbers of hallopeds being sought, the call for applications, and links to the application forms can be found on TREY’s revamped page for Student Representatives in Administration under the section “Open positions.”

You can also always inquire for more information from TREY’s expert on student representatives, Tiia. Tiia’s contact details can be found on TREY’s Contact page.

What is a halloped?

Halloped or student representative in the administration is a student member of administrative body. Hallopeds are there to voice students’ opinions on matters that have an effect on them. Working as a student representative in the administration gives you an opportunity to participate on the decision making at our university, learn more about the administrative work and give a voice on matters that have an effect on students and our university community.

Do I get more than just experience from this?

Hallopeds can also get credit for their representative work, and you also get allowance from the meetings that you attend.

Do you have to spend all your time on halloped-related stuff?

Halloped work takes about the time equivalent to preparing for and attending a meeting that occurs around once a month. In addition to this, Hallopeds are welcome to TREY’s “Kupillinen kopo” (a casual meeting for student representatives) and we also aim to organize some kind of fun and informal gatherings from time to time.