Apply for Tampere University’s Grant for Cultural Associations!

Tampere University invites applications for arts and culture grants from student associations affiliated with the student union TREY. The total grant sum is worth € 23 000. Student associations whose main mission is artistical or cultural productions are eligible to apply. With the support of the culture activity the university supports the versatile culture activity of student associations. The University grant is a support package separate from TREY’s operational grant, but the awarding of the grants is coordinated in cooperation with TREY.

With its support, the University wants to support and enable the production of culture and art, as well as the development of activities of associations.

Preparations for the allocation of grants are taken by a committee comprising staff members from the University’s Financial Services, Education and Learning, Communications as well as representatives of TREY. The committee will prepare a proposal for the allocation of grant funds and review the reports that will be submitted by grant recipients. The final funding decisions will be made by the President of Tampere University.

Associations that are affiliated with TREY and whose main mission is artistical or cultural productions are eligible to apply.

Funding may be sought for continuous, long-term activities and their development, such as:

  • Necessary costs for maintaining the activities (such as salaries, fees, rental costs).
  • Performances, shows and other similar events.
  • Projects to develop the general activities of the associations.
  • Purchases that support the activities of the associations.
  • Funding will not be granted for activities for which financial support has already been sought from Tampere University (for example, from a faculty).

Criteria for awarding grants 2023

Both the impact of the activities and the quality of the application are considered while assessing the applications. Following criteria will be considered:

  • Need for financial support.
  • The expected impact of the planned activities. For example, the number of people the planned activities will reach and the visibility of the activities within the university community and in Tampere and beyond.
  • The scale and number of performances, for instance how big is the turnout in your events.
  • The student-centred approach of the planned activities. For example, the number of students who will take part in the activities.
  • Activities that foster a sense of community among students.
  • Practical information

Grants are offered to support activities that will take place in 2024. Funding may be sought for one or more types of activity. The proposed activities may be prioritised depending, for example, on the amount of funding available. Maximum amount to be granted per association is limited to €5,000. However, exceptions may be made for particularly justified reasons.

The activities organised with the support of the university’s student activities must consider both the current guidelines of the higher education community and the current guidelines of the authorities concerning the organisation and safety of events.

The closing date for applications is 25th of February 2024. Apply for the cultural grant by filling out the application form in Microsoft Forms. The decision on the supported projects, grant amounts and payment date is in early summer 2024.

Attach the following appendices to your application:

  • Student association’s latest completed financial statement (with profit and loss statements included.)
  • The budget of the project, with the project’s revenue and expenditure itemised. If there are several projects, the association must present a budget for each of them.

At the end of 2024, the association will provide feedback that reflects on the use of the support.

Additional information

Tampere University: Kaisa Keskitalo, manager, 040 754 5951,

Student Union of Tampere University: Markus Salonen, Specialist in Association Affairs (2024 spring), 040 713 0079,

Picture of the banner: Richard Äyräs, TT-kamerat