New years brings new energy

Third year of my career as Secretary General started about a week ago. The way I see it, the turn of the year is one of the best moments of the work year because there are lots of very different…

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We need to invest in bilingual communications

As the Student Union’s Specialist in Communications and Advocacy, the themes I work with regarding our action plan are related to communications and brand, as well as handling the action plan process. Despite this, one of my favourites from this…

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The last hurrah from the Chair

December 2019. TREY board was wrapping up their year with mixed feelings – it was sad to end the year and duties, but the whole board was more or less tired and in a desperate need of christmas holiday. But…

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The people behind crisis communication

The year 2020 has been characterised by the continuous need for crisis communication. At the start of the year, I had the idea of practicing crisis communication with my board members each month, as it is a skill which needs…

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Working distantly affects us all

Sometimes on Monday afternoon it feels like you have already worked for the entire weeks’ worth. This fall those Mondays have been more frequent than normally. It is not just the normal fall haste, but it is the fact that…

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