Diverse students, similar challenges

I started working in a student union in Spring 2018 when the current student union, TREY, did not yet exist. That began an adventure the like of which I don’t think I’ll experience again soon. The merging of student unions…

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Traditions and exceptions

The current year as a student union’s event producer has been interesting, to say the least. For some reason, almost no events were organized in the spring, and my duties have included the planning and canceling of events, organizing the…

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A change of power is upon us

Walking outside one can already feel a certain biting wind. Most take it as a sign of an approaching winter. However, I cannot help but think of one thing and one thing only when I feel it—a change of power.…

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But I’m irreplaceable!

I had my most impactful experience this year in March. As the coronavirus situation escalated, it was difficult to get things done. There was a lot to do, but nothing seemed to interest me. I felt like I didn’t have…

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