Happy Pride-month!

The International Pride month is held during June. The purpose of the month is to raise awareness about and celebrate the diversity of gender and sexuality. During Pride month we can celebrate the amount of progress we have already made,…

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Look on the bright side of life

The year 2020 has not been great, when looking at humanity as whole. The year began with Australia’s wildfires, which was horrible. One could think that it would be uphill from there, but no.The situation overall has gotten a lot…

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The academic world needs anti-racism!

In recent days, the United States and many other countries have witnessed protests and statements against racism and police violence after the death of George Floyd. Floyd was a 46-year-old black man from Minneapolis who died as a result of…

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Me, a student representative?

The year is 2018 and the merging of the universities and students unions of Tampere is approaching. But who will advocate for students in the new faculties or in the new universitys administration in general? In the spring of 2018…

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