Council livin’

The Council of Representatives – the highest authority of the Student Union chosen by TREY’s membership – has now met altogether 13 times. In addition, the Council has had several evening sessions, Administration Committee meetings, Council groups meetings and other…

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Vivat academia!

Are you familiar with the concept of ”academic freedom”? It is one of the core values of our University, and the student’s freedom and responsibility over the development of their own thinking and world view. In the more common sense…

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Take it easy

Student – a work-driven robot with limitless energy, or maybe a human capable of humane feelings such as exhaustion and fatigue? Students’ well-being has been a hot topic throughout this summer and autumn, and so it should be. More and…

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Greetings from Brussels!

Brexit hullabaloo is alive and well, the election of the new Commission is likely to be postponed, and Ursula von der Leyen’s goals bring the winds of change with them. It would be an understatement to call the atmosphere in…

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Let us raise our glasses – for you

Around this time last year, there was eager waiting in the air for the Council of Representatives elections results in Tampere. This election was special since the students of the contemporary student unions Tamy and TTYY were electing a council…

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