Answer the students’ survey on language principles!

Finnish is the official language of Tampere University and the TREY student union. However, nearly 2,000 members of the 18,000-strong TREY are not proficient in Finnish, meaning that their first language is neither Finnish nor Swedish. To ensure that members…

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Now is not the time to be at the campus front lawn

The Biggest Wappu in Finland started on Thursday 15 of April and unfortunately there have been shortcomings regarding following the COVID-guidelines during the first week of Wappu. During last week and the weekend, many groups of students gathered at the…

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Answer TREY’s coronavirus survey by 16 May!

TREY wants to hear about students’ experiences during the coronavirus period. The prolonged pandemic situation has hit students hard and put us in a completely new situation where everything happens remotely, and many people study only alone in their apartments.…

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