Academic dinner parties are a popular type of student party in Finland. This page contains information about anniversary dinners and sitsits and a guide to equality in sitsit parties.


Smaller and less formal than the anniversary dinner, a sitsit is a popular kind of Finnish academic seated party. Associations organise sitsits e.g. to celebrate their anniversaries or just for fun. Some associations also organise fun themed sitsits and joint sitsits with other associations. In Tampere, the sitsit tradition means good food, lots of drink and joyful singing. Food is usually served from a buffet. In between eating, a sitsit can include speeches, presents from one association to another or performances: anniversary sitsits often include dancing. These parties often go on until dawn.


Sitsit is a party concept typical to Finnish student culture as well as a great way to get to know new people and have fun. In the guide below we’ve described ways in which sitsit participants and organisers can take different kinds of party-goers into consideration and make their sitsit safe and comfortable for all students. TREY’s quide for more qual sitsis contains some useful tips for your or your organisation’s parties! You can find the guide in TREY’s material data bank here.

If you need any help in organising a sitsit or help in preventing harassment or discrimination at your events, you can always contact TREY’s anti-harassment persons or equality sector. Their services are strictly confidential and they’ll help in matters large and small.

Anniversary celebrations

A couple of times a year, the students put on their fanciest clothes and attend anniversary celebrations. The dress code is white tie or dark suit and a floor-length formal gown for women. Academic decorations are also used in the celebrations.

Remember to act according to the etiquette, although the intention isn’t to be too formal but to have fun. Before the actual main event, the programme often contains a cocktail reception, where different communities give out gifts. The majority of the guests, however, only arrive to the main party. After the welcome toast, the dinner begins, during which drinking songs are sung loudly. Various speeches are held in between courses. After coffee and cognac, the dancing begins and continues at the first after party. At the crack of dawn, the party often continues at another after party, where a warm sauna is usually waiting for the guests. The biggest celebrations also include a “sillis” brunch on the next day.