I’ve been adjusting to the event organiser’s role for a little less than three weeks now. Jumping right in the deep end in the middle of the term has been stressful, to say the least, but I also think that I’ve managed pretty well! Also, I just cannot thank enough the amazing people I’m working with every day. All the faces that I see at events and in the halls remind of the reason why I want to be doing this – the student community in Tampere is connecting all kinds of people! (Is TREY the new Nokia?!)
What I really find the most rewarding aspect of my new job is the fact that what I do is far more influential than just having Pikku G perform on stage, or giving out the Newcomers’ orienteering rewards. It’s just not about organising individual events, but also getting to know people: when random newcomers come to me and ask my advice on joining TREY’s Board, I know that we have done something correctly this autumn. Tutoring and everyday organisation activities are the key to welcoming newcomers, and I’d like to think that they’ve both been really successful! I’ve seen many truly eager faces during the first weeks of this academic year.

When I was a first year student back in 2016, I had no idea whatsoever what the new University or the Student Union are, but even then I knew that I want to do something for us, the students. My journey from my home organisation (OKA <3) to the Council of Representatives and from there to TREY’s Wappu director has actually been quite simple in the sense that everybody in TREY has the same possibility. You don’t have to be in the “inner circle” so that your interest towards the community and advocacy for students could take you somewhere within our Student Union. The diverse organisational activity provides a framework for achieving new skills, hobbies, friends and means of influencing.
So, dear random newcomers, get involved and join the activity where you can find new people, get new experiences and go on an adventure! With this in mind, you’ll find that it’s actually easy to start practising those situations that offer the chance to jump in the deep end. I’m proud of having been brave enough to do this.
ps. TREY’s event section Kollektiivi is looking for more members for 2020, and the application period starts this autumn. Keep your eyes and ears open!