Nominate an association or active member for an award!

It is time to give awards for honorable and successful acts of 2019. Nominate a person or an association, who has significantly improved student community or association during this year. TREY board will choose the winners from your suggestions. The deadline is Sunday 24 Nov 2019. The awards will be given in association actives’ gala, Plörgit, in 5.12Here is the form for nominations.

The categories of this year’s awards are:

Potential of the year
The year’s potential is a new innovation, event or other effort which plays a role in the improving the well-being of either the community or an organisation’s membership. The idea can be further developed and is likely to become a big thing.

Event of the year
The best and greatest event of the year where all participants had fun, not forgetting the event’s organisers.

Student representative of the year
The award is granted to an active and resourceful representative who has performed well and participated in creating good spirit among the Council throughout the term.

Advocacy act of the year
The advocacy act of the year is an influential act regarding studying or students, and its impact can be seen in the daily life of students.

Wellness act of the year
The wellness act of the year is an act that has acknowledged student equality, sports or mental health in a remarkable way.

International act of the year
The international act of the year has in a remarkable way acknowledged the international students and improved their status or well-being in the community.

TREYHEM of the year
An event or a phenomenon which united all TREY students from each study field and campus.

Improvement of the year
The improvement of the year changed something that used to be not-so-great, or at least much less great than now.

Tutoring act of the year
The tutoring act of the year award goes to a deed involving either the tutoring team or the newcomers which displays remarkable caring of new students and willingness to develop tutoring activities.