Nominate candidates to the Board of Tampere University!

As the term of office of two members serving on the Board of Tampere University will expire at the end of 2019, the Academic Board will appoint two new members in the autumn. The Academic Board is inviting the members of the university community to nominate candidates for the Board by 31 August. We students may nominate suitable candidates, and TREY is happy to guide you through the process. You may suggest candidates as a private person, student association or by sending your candidate to TREY.

The student union will make its own proposal about the Board members. If you want to have your say in TREY’s proposal, you may suggest a candidate to the Executive board that will use students’ ideas in the decision-making. TREY’s Executive board decides on the proposal at the end of August.

What board?

The Board of Tampere University includes seven members. The same members make up Tampere University Foundation, setting the guidelines for university’s work as their main task. The board decides on the strategy, regulations, structures and policies of the university as well as appoints the president, provost as well as vice presidents. In addition it exercises considerable financial power by deciding on the action and economic plans as well as approves the financial statement. 

Who may get elected?

Working as a board member requires a wide expertise on the academia. The eligibility criteria for board members are set in the Universities Act and the Charter of Tampere University Foundation. In addition the Academic Board has complemented the criteria. According to the Universities Act, the Board of a foundation-based university ‘shall comprehensively represent the highest national and international expertise in the sciences and arts in the field of operation of the university and in societal and business life’. The final decision on Board members is made by the committee that the Academic Board establishes. 

The criteria set by the Academic Board are as following:

Each Board member is expected to:

  •  have an understanding of the scientific community and academia;
  •  possess strong social interaction skills;
  •  be committed to their role in the Board; and
  •  have an extensive network of contacts.

 As a whole, the Board is expected to demonstrate:

  •  up-to-date expertise and experience of Finnish academia;
  •  academic excellence;
  •  experience of academic leadership;
  •  demographic diversity: age, gender, professional background, experience;
  •  international experience and familiarity with the international scientific community;
  •  diverse societal impact and visibility;
  •  broad-ranging views of society, the sciences and arts, industry and business, and civic society;
  •  educational expertise;
  •  financial and investment expertise;
  •  experience of university mergers;
  •  knowledge of multiple disciplines represented at Tampere University and strong academic expertise in the University’s priority areas (society, health and technology).

How to propose a candidate?

Send your proposal to TREY by 11 August. It must include the name and position of the candidate as well as reasoning on the merits of the candidate. We would appreciate to get candidates representing different backgrounds and genders. The Executive board will nominate student union’s candidates on 29 August at latest. Send your proposal by using this link. TREY will contact the nominated persons to confirm their willingness to run as a candidate.

You may also submit your  proposal straight to the Board Appointment Committee by filling in this e-form. For data protection reasons, it is advisable to contact the nominated person and ask them to give their consent by filling the form you can download on the same page.