TREY’s Council of Representatives has decided today in its 25 August meeting to propose TREY’s Chair Annika Nevanpää to be the Chair of the National Union of University Students in Finland in 2021 and TREY’s educational affairs organiser Ville Jäppinen to SYL’s Executive Board in 2021.

Nevanpää, 26, is a fifth-year student of Administrative Studies whose merits include working as the educational affairs organiser of TREY last year and as the Vice Chair and educational affairs organiser of her home subject association. Jäppinen, 23, is a fourth-year Communications student who has previously been the Chair and educational affairs organiser of his home subject association.
“The income of students is still not ideal; education is still heavily inherited and fighting for free education is an everyday task. In addition to all this, we are on the verge of a climate catastrophe that threatens the future of all these questions in a whole new way. My student movement bravely advocates for resolving these problems on behalf of the whole generation“, Nevanpää declares.
“To me, SYL, who turns one hundred next year, represents a better tomorrow for students. In educational advocacy and decision-making, SYL voices the opinions that would not be heard clearly enough otherwise. That’s why my student movement builds upon the active participation of students. It is a movement that ensures that we students are truly a part of all decision-making that concerns us on a national level”, Jäppinen envisions in his speech.
SYL will elect its Board of 2021 in its next General Assembly in Espoo, 12.–13.11.2020. SYL represents Finnish university students on a national level and is their advocate. TREY will be represented by a delegation in the General Assembly. The delegation is in possession of 19 votes.