“Thank you” are two small and big words that can be crucial to motivation. I’ll start my blog post with a so-called hot take: You rarely get enough thanks for organizational activities and other volunteering. Sometimes it feels like tasks are piling up badly and no help is available. If you can identify on some level with this, would now be the time to be a part of the change itself?
The calendar year is approaching imminently or, thankfully, coming to an end, depending on your own wishes. Many communities, and even in those positions that continue for more than a year, often retire on some form of vacation before the turn of the year. Now is also a good time to remember to thank our fellow student activists as well as other people around us who have helped and supported us. Those more familiar and unfamiliar, who have acted exemplary over the past year and why not for a longer period if no thanks have been said to them before. Surely each of us can name someone. The importance of thank you in communities cannot be overemphasized. It tells us that our work is valued and that we have been noticed.
After the introductions, once the documentation is in the package, it’s time for the former association actives to step aside. It is said that a good former association active is like a good book. It doesn’t drop on its own without asking for a shelf on your toes, but it’s always available when you need it and you can read interesting things about the past. Let’s all try our best to be just these good books. It is also good for us former association actives to remember that we have all sometimes been the younger actors for whom everything has been new and wonderful. So let us help other and remember to ask others for help!
We have been living in a very exceptional time for two years soon, where everyone has certainly been put to the test from time to time. However, student organizations, clubs, tutors, and other student activists have continued to operate despite this. The exhaustion of the corona is an identifiable experience for each of us in some way, whether it is seen in us or not. Sometimes he or she, who never asks for help, may also be most in need of help. That’s why it’s important for us sometimes to stop in the middle of a rush and ask others how are you? A small question can be of great importance to its listener. Maybe he would have something in his heart. Maybe no one has asked him this for a long time.
Into these moods and thoughts, I end this the rest of the year. All good will end in time and soon new adventures waits again. Thank you to all of you who have helped and supported me!