The final crunch of Wellness Challenge Week is about to begin!

This week you may have seen some wellness supporting challenges on our social media accounts since TREY and Tamko has organized Wellness Challenge Week this week. Wellness Challenge Week will continue this weekend with challenges given by our community. Our community has given us a lot of wonderful Wellness Challenges! If you participate in challenges and share that to Instagram Story or to our Facebook event page following the given instructions, you will participate in a raffle with a delicacy basket as a prize. Please tag @treytampere and @opiskelijakuntatamko if you post your picture on Instagram Story, and don’t forget to follow the guidelines written on the challenge texts! Read the challenges below.


Call a friend! -challenge

Due to the corona virus the social contacts have been limited since March. Today Indecs challenges everyone to take care of their social well being. It is time to  call to a friend, mom or grandma or have a coffee break with a neighbor! If you don’t feel like calling or visiting anyone send them a positive message! You can take part in the challenge by taking a picture of social deed and posting it on Instagram. Just remember to tag @treytampere, @opiskelijakuntatamko and @indecsry.


Share your feel good song

Music is important to many people. It can activate, comfort and connect. Share your favourite feel good song that gives you strength on social media. Maybe that same song can give support to someone else as well!


Clean your workstation

Clean your work/study -station and take before and after pictures. Alternatively you can go further and restyle it, or improve your working ergonomics.

Bioteekkarikilta Bioner ry

Spot and recognize an animal -challenge

Because going outside is good also during the rainy autumn time, we challenge you to go have some fresh air. That your outdoors activity would not be too ordinary, the idea is to spot an animal (for example a squirrel or some bird), to recognise it and to save your finding by taking a picture of it. You can share your picture and tell what you found!


Cleaning your closets

Clean up your wardrobe and all other unnecessary or unused textiles from your house. If you don’t know where to take the clothes or other textiles you want to get rid of, you can take the clothes that are in good shape to a clothing exchange event organized by YKI at Hervanta campus on 12.11. The other textiles can be brought to a textile collection held at Hervanta campus on 11.-13.11.


Bake something fun

Give yourself a treat and enjoy a pastry! All you have to do is cook your favourite pastry and rate it 1-10 on how well it turned out. Take a picture to prove your skills!

Clean your room

Having a well organized living space is key to having well organized thoughts. Take a picture of your room before and after cleaning it and see how nice it is to put some effort into making your room look nice :D (You might not even want to show your messy room but that’s fine! Sometimes you just forget to clean. It happens to everyone that the room gets a bit messy)

Draw something you like

Drawing is good for expressing your feeling. Find something you like and dust off those drawing skills you haven’t used since middle school.

Let’s go for a walk in the woods!

Walking in nature is proven to be a great stress reliever. In Finland we are very lucky to be surrounded by lots of it. Grab a couple friends and go for a walk in the woods!

Transla ry

Read translated literature

Has it been a while since you last read something else than coursework? We know that feel! That’s why we challenge everyone to take a break and relax with a good (translated) book. We’re translation students after all. Your mind rests when reading and you get to support the industry while you’re at it. We recommend grabbing a book originally written in Finnish that has been translated into your native language or another language you know well, and before you know it, you’ve learned something new about Finnish culture. Happy reading!

Elram (Hervannan Rento ry)

Movies and chill

It is very important to also remember to take a break every once in a while from studying. Therefore the purpose of this challenge is to take a free evening from all of the studying and watch a movie! Movies can be lend from your family or friends or then watch them for free from Yle Areena if you don’t own any yourself. You can also company your friend for this challenge so watching the movie can also be quality time together.

Herwannan Hauiskääntö

Herwannan Hauiskääntö train outdoors challenge

The idea of the challenge is to get some fresh air from training outdoors. The intent is to get away from the urban environment and do a little outdoor training. To participate in the challenge, you must go outdoors and do at least a 15-minute training. The training must contain a creative way to do bicep curls. Otherwise the training can contain anything from push-ups to bodyweights squats. As a proof participants must provide photo from the bicep curl exercise and use hashtag #hkaantooutdoors.

TAYK ry / The United Nations Association of Tampere

Well-being from the forest / SDG 15

Spending time in nature improves well-being in many ways. Spending time and hiking in the forest lowers blood pressure, reduces stress and helps to improve the quality of your sleep.  Even nature sounds and pictures will improve your overall mood. In order to participate in Wellness Challenge week TAYK ry challenges you to go to the forest! Go for a walk in the nearby forest, roast some marshmallows in the woods or if you are not able to physically go to a forest, watch a nature documentary and bring forest to you! Close relationship with nature also helps to motivate protecting our beautiful Finnish forests like Sustainable Development goal 15; Life on Land, is aiming for.

Tarina ry

Take in the nature

Studies show that spending time in nature helps to improve one’s health. Go to the closest forest for a 30min. walk without your phone and spend the time taking in the nature. Do you see birds? What about trees?

Interaktio ry

Rest is not a contest

You don’t always have to achieve and push forward so take a moment for yourself. Take a nap and remember that rest is not a contest! <3


For the Greater Food

Do you still remember the time when you couldn’t prepare a more advanced dinner than chicken soup? When your thoughts of culinary delicasy were to add crème fraîche to your meal. Do you remember the feeling when you could just sit at a table and be served?

We are sure that your cooking skills have developed during the restrictions, but now TARE ry is challenging you to go back to a simpler times and visit your favorite restaurant. Whether it is Hesburger, Näsinneula or Campusravita, throw your worries away for a moment and go to be served. Your soul and stomach will thank you.

Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun metsäopiskelijat ry – Tampio Ry

Peace of mind from nature

In the forest, you can get away from the busy everyday life, and at the same time get fresh outdoor air. So have a walk in forest to calm down, take a picture to your Instagram story and tag @tampiory. If you want, you can also tell us what you think is the best thing about hiking around in the woods.


30 minute of well-being

Do something to increase your well-being for 30 minutes. Eg. have a walk in nature, realxation exercise, jogging, yoga, exercise by using your own body weight etc…

Tampereen Akateeminen Mahti


Mimic a sports performance using some daily item. As a few examples, throwing a frisbee with a cap, a tennis shot with a frying pan and an orange, kicking a water bottle in the trash, etc. You can also use real sports equipment for the performance. Be creative and remember to celebrate!

Johto ry

Wellness to studies

We challenge students for one day to study while standing and do optional break exercise.

Lexica ry

Home Stretch Hobble

We in Lexica are having a jogging challenge for the fourth (and last) week now with Hiukkanen, OKA and Taraki. Our members have been super active and they have gained hundreds of kilometres for their own association. As the height of our challenge, we’d like to challenge every association within the Tampere University community! So, go outdoors and walk, jog, run or cycle through the fresh autumn air and gain some kilometres into your own pocket. As a prize, you’ll get into a good mood! Post pictures of the challenge into your Instagram feed or story, and tag #lenkkihaaste2020 and us @lexica_ry so we can see who picks up the challenge and share them to our story. Remember to have fun!


Favorite song lipsync

As choir members we love singing and with this challenge we want to spread the joy of singing. Choose your favorite song, press the play button and perform your own version to the camera. Use creativity by using e.g. hairbrush as a microphone or something similar but most importantly, have fun!


A well balanced diet for a day

We challenge you to follow a fully healthy and balanced diet for the entire day. Many dietry guidelines are available — they are not strict but considered to be recommendations to put generally in mind. We suggest taking into account the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations while making nourishment choices for the day.

You can find in the link a summary of the Nordic recommendations:

Healthy food is not necessarily not delicious. Thus, we encourage you to be creative and come up with a delightful healthy recipe and share it with everyone else. Making good food shouldn’t be a hustle, so the simpler your dish is, the better.

Tampereen Aineenopettajaksi Opiskelevat TamAus ry

Distance learning’s survival stories

Especially in these exceptional times, when it is advisable to stay at home, you might feel like you can’t keep up with what’s happening in the lives of all your fellow students. We want to challenge you to take a picture, film a short video or even write a short poem or text about your way of handling with the challenges of distance learning. Only your creativity is the limit (and perhaps some technical issues) and for example showing your own field of study in your work would be a great idea!

To take part in the challenge, share your photo, video, poem or story on Instagram story or in the Facebook event of Wellness Challenge Week and add the hashtags #etäselviytyjät & #distancesurvivors. Also please tag @treytampere, @opiskelijakuntatamko and @tamausry on your Instagram post.



Prepare a healthy and a spectacular home lunch using instant noodles. Post a picture of your lunch and the recipe. Tell also what new could you try with noodles! FSHS will reward some of the best posts.

The Student Chaplaincy of the Evangelical Lutheran parishes in Tampere

Student’s pilgrimage

Have a break and walk the Student Pilgrimage Route!

You can walk this route by yourself or with your friends. You may walk only certain stages or the full route. The Pilgrimage starts from the Tampere University City Centre Campus and leads to Kalevankangas cemetary.

Here’s the link to the Student Pilgrimage.

Please upload also the Citynomadi app. (

Take a photo of a certain stage of the route and send it to Risto Korhonen (university chaplain) mobile: +358 50 38 35391

The Student Pilgrimage Route was planned by the Ev.-Luth. Student Chaplaincy in Tampere with Pyhiinvaellus Tampere.

Enjoy your walk!