The recipients of TREY’s Good Teacher -award were announced!

TREY’s Good Teacher -award was presented on September 4th, at an awards ceremony organized by the University of Tampere Foundation and Industrial Research Fund at Tampere University of Technology. This award is our way, as students, to express our gratitude for the work done by the teaching staff. The awards are given based on student nominations. Nominations were solicited from both individual students and student organizations, and this year we received a total of 31 nominations. From among these, the coordinating committee recommended three award recipients to TREY’s board.

In the year 2023, TREY has decided to award the Good Teacher -award to the following members of the teaching staff:

  • Naoko Miyamoto-Maunu, Faculty of Education and Culture (Language Centre)
  • Heli Skottman, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology
  • Krista Willman, Faculty of Management and Business

The deserving teachers will be honored with stipends of 2000 euros each, granted by the foundations. Additionally, caricatures of these teachers will be created and displayed on the “Good Teacher” walls across the campuses.

Julia Malvikko, the Chair of the Good Teacher award committee and a member of TREY’s board, delivered a speech at the event. You can read Julia’s speech below.

TREYn Hyvä opettaja -palkinnon saajat
The Good Teacher -award recipients Naoko Miyamoto Maunu, Heli Skottman and Krista Willman

Julia’s speech at the awards ceremony on September 4th

Dear provost, vice president, dean, foundations, honourees, and audience

We students appreciate the high quality of education at our university and the emphasis on student-friendliness in teaching. Additionally, we value the continuous efforts of the university’s staff in improving education. Therefore, we at TREY, together with the University of Tampere Foundation and the Industrial Research Fund at Tampere University of Technology, want to thank and reward members of the teaching staff. The Good Teacher award, which has become a tradition, is our way of expressing gratitude to the teachers who inspire us and help us reach our full potential.

The Good Teacher award consists of a 2000-euro stipend awarded by the University of Tampere Foundation and the Industrial Research Fund at Tampere University of Technology. Additionally, the award includes a caricature drawing displayed on the Good Teacher walls at each campus.

TREY received many proposals for the Good Teacher award. TREY’s board has chosen three honourees with the help of the Good Teacher committee. This year’s special criterion was commitment to teaching current issues and innovate teaching to current needs. All the honourees have fulfilled this criterion in their own way, but above all, they all have considered students’ wishes in their teaching. Now, without further ado, let’s hear who the Good Teachers of 2023 are!

The first honouree has been working at the Language Centre. She uses diverse and interactive teaching methods. Furthermore, she has adapted her teaching flexibly to accommodate students’ current needs. This teacher is highly regarded, as evidenced by students’ requests for more courses taught by her, which have also been implemented. This teacher motivates students in multiple different ways, which is liked by students. In addition to teaching the language, she teaches culture and current matters in her classes. This teacher considers students’ feedback during the courses, so she continuously develops her teaching.

The first Good Teacher Award is given to Naoko Miyamoto-Maunu.

The second honouree is from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology. This teacher has incorporated current methods in the field into her courses, which are just emerging in Finland. Additionally, she has integrated project-based work into her teaching, which will be beneficial in the professional world. This teacher has used current scientific knowledge in her teaching materials and on her laboratory courses. Students describe this teacher as inspirational, and she really listens the feedback she gets.

The second Good Teacher Award is given to Heli Skottmann.

The next teacher has developed a new completion method for a mandatory practical training course. This method has brought flexibility to the course and now meets current student needs. Additionally, this teacher held a feedback session for the new completion method to ensure that students’ suggestions were considered. The third honouree comes from the Faculty of Management and Business. This teacher has created an alternative panel-based completion method alongside the internship report. In this method, the student who completed the internship participates in two events, one as an audience member and another as a panelist. This allows students to share tips and experiences that are beneficial, especially in job hunting. This teacher also collaborated with a student organization to effectively communicate about the new completion method to students.

The third Good Teacher Award is given to Krista Willman.

On behalf of TREY, I want to congratulate all three Good Teacher 2023 honourees and thank you for your dedication to students.

We hope to continue being involved in the development of our university’s education and recognizing those who excel. Hopefully, this tradition will encourage both teachers and students to participate in the improvement of education.

One last time, thank you, Good Teachers, a round of applause for you!