Apply to TREY’s event section Kollektiivi!

Is organising events your passion? Would you like to learn more? Are you interested in working in a diverse student team? Do you like to create and develop events for the entire university community in a good company?

Now is your chance! We are looking for a group of volunteers for TREY’s event section (also known as Kollektiivi) to improve the unique event culture of the Student Union of Tampere University.

In the Kollektiivi you will have the chance to work with students from different associations and for example take part in organising Wappu events and TREY’s annual ball brunch party (sillis). In addition, you’ll be able to innovate and make your new ideas come to life, new event concepts are always needed! This will give you a great opportunity to influence TREY’s event calendar and our student culture for years to come.

We are searching for people with different backgrounds no matter your field of study. Interest in developing the student community and a passion for creating student events are all you need to apply! Experience in organising events is an advantage but not necessary. If you are enthusiastic about working with a team, interested in the Student Union and willing to leave your mark on the student community in Tampere, this is your chance to jump on board!

Send your application to Kollektiivi through Microsoft Form by 13th of December 2023.

Tell us about yourself, your experience and your motivation for the job. In addition, tell us why you would be the right person for Kollektiivi and in which direction the Student Union’s event culture should be developed. All applicants will be contacted at the end of the application period. Kollektiivi’s term is from 1st of January 2024 until 31st of December 2024.

What are you waiting for? Send your application and embark on a great adventure!

For more information, please contact the Student Union event sector with

Current chair of Kollektiivi Elina Salovuori will gladly answer your questions about working in Kollektiivi! (Telegram: @elinainkeri)

More info about Kollektiivi at  TREY’s working groups and volunteers -page.