Finnish students have many symbols. The most visible of them are the student overalls, student caps and the engineering students’ caps (teekkarilakki). These pages contain information about the various student symbols.

Emblems of the student union

Provisions related to the emblems of the student union and the issuing and use of those emblems are given in the Flag and Emblem Code of the Student Union. In addition to the emblems of the student union, many associations have their own emblems and their own codes that regulate their issuing and use. The emblems include e.g. various sashes, badges of honour and badges of merit and their miniature versions.

TREY cockade

Each Student Union has their own cockade that can be attached to the graduation cap. All members of our student union can wear the cockade on their graduation cap. The first year students will change the old cockade for the new TREY cockade on their graduation cap on Wappu, after the joint Wappu Oath. Students of later years can exchange TREY’s cockade on their student cap right away! TREY’s cockade is only used in the graduation cap. The cockade of Teekkari Union of Tampere is used in the teekkari caps, and it is already attached to them when arriving.

The student union’s sash

The student union’s sash

Current and former members of the student union as well as employees have the right to carry the student union’s sash. Each member of the student union may get the sash for free from the student union’s service points

The student union sash is 30 mm wide and is carried from the right shoulder over the chest diagonally to the left. The sash should not touch exposed skin. The sash can also be carried as a 95 mm wide three-leaf rosette in the left lapel.

The student union’s sash as a rosette

Start the first fold from either end of the ribbon. Fold one end of the ribon against the rest of the ribbon. This first fold forms the base of the rosette which is 8 cm wide.

Nauhan taitteluohjeen ensimmäinen vaihe

Lay the base of the rosette as shown in the picture.

Nauhan taitteluohjeen toinen vaihe

Turn the rosette base the other way around and start folding the rosette layers. Fold three layers on the rosette.

Nauhan taitteluohjeen vaiheet 3.-10.

Finish the rosette with a knot. Fold the last layer half way over the layer on top and then fold the ribbon upwards. Fold the end of the ribbon behind the rosette.

Nauhan taitteluohjeen 11. vaihe

Bring the end of the ribbon to the front of the rosette from below the rosette.

Nauhan taitteluohjeen 12. vaihe

Tighten the knot of the rosette and cut the remaining ribbon so that it is the right length. The remaining end is best to be sewn onto the rosette with a few stitches. Attach the rosette on to your dress on the left side of your chest with e.g. safety pin.


TREY recognizes accolades for work for the student union. The badges awarded to individuals include the badge of honor, the badge of merit and the badge of an honorary member. Communities may be awarded a student union standard as a token of appreciation.

TREY's standard

The badge of honor

The badge of honor

The badge of honor can be awarded to a person who has acted for a particularly long time, actively and extensively for the benefit of the student union and has promoted the goals and aspirations of the student union. The badge of honor is a golden jubilee symbol of the student union, worn in the middle of a wide student union sash. When the badge is awarded, a miniature badge of honor is also awarded.

The badge of merit

The badge of merit

The badge of merit can be awarded to a present or former member or staff member of the Student Union who has acted long and actively for the benefit of the Student Union and furthered the goals and aspirations of the Student Union. The badge of merit is a silver jubilee symbol of the student union, worn in the middle of a wide student union sash. When the badge is awarded, a miniature badge of merit is also awarded.

The badge of an honorary member

The badge of an honorary member

The badge of an honorary member is awarded upon being invited as an honorary member. The student union may invite as an honorary member a person who has acted with great merit on behalf of the student union. Only a person who is not a current or former member or staff member of the Student Union can be admitted as an honorary member. The honorary member’s badge is a bronze jubilee symbol of the student union, worn in the middle of a wide student union sash. When the badge is awarded, a miniature honorary member’s badge is also awarded.


The student overalls are one of the most visible symbols of students. Almost every association has their own overalls, and you can recognise the association they belong to by the colour of the overalls. You should note, though, that different associations can have the same colour overalls. Some hobby associations also have their own overalls. The overall culture landed in Tampere in the beginning of 1980.

The overalls are used in various student events, and they are decorated with overall patches and various memorabilia. You can also exchange one trouser leg with your partner. Some students that have switched degree programmes have also combined their new and old overalls together. All overalls look like their owners.

Automation technology guild Autek

Overalls: yellow

Bioengineering guild Bioner

Overalls: champagne

Biotechnology association Biopsi

Overalls: purple


Overalls: white


Overalls: black

Erasmus Student Network, Finns and Internationals in Tampere ESN FINT

Overalls: green

International Teekkari Guild INTO Tampere ry

Overalls: bright green

Koneenrakentajakilta KoRK

Overalls: red

Materials engineering guild MIK

Overalls: burgundy


Overalls: black

Porin Teekkarit – PoTka ry

Overalls: Grey

University Consortium of Pori, Pointer

Overalls: burgundy

Rankat Ankat

Overalls: orange

Signal Processing and Communications Engineering association TeLE

Overalls: mint green

Sähkökilta ry, Skilta

Overalls: electric blue

Tampere International Global Society Students (TIPSY)

Overalls: Purple

Tampere University Students of Sustainable Urban Development Urbanum ry

Overalls: Baby blue

Tampere Architects’ Guild TamArk

Overalls: cheery black

Tampereen Lääketieteen Kandidaattiseura TLK ry

Overalls: white

Psychology student’s association Cortex ry

Overalls: red

The Guild of Civil Engineering TARAKI

Overalls: dark blue

Guild of Information Technology TiTe

Overalls: black

Tampere University Philosophy student’s association Aatos

Overalls: black

Tampere University association of Administrative Science Staabi ry

Overalls: dark green

Tampere University association of History students Patina ry

Overalls: burgundy

Tampere University association of Information Studies and Interactive Media UDK ry

Overalls: green

Tampereen University association of Journalism and Mass Communication Vostok ry

Overalls: orange

Tampere University association of Life Long Learning and Education Mentor ry

Overalls: dark green

Association of Business Students of Tampere University – Boomi ry

Overalls: navy blue

Tampere University association of Literature, Teema ry

Overalls: black

Tampere University association of Translation Studies, Transla ry

Overalls: black

Tampere University association of Logopedics Ääni ry

Overalls: dark turquoise

Tampere University association of Class Teacher Education OKA ry

Overalls: dark blue

Tampere University Mathematic Class Teacher’s Kalma ry (activity ceased)

Overalls: dark green

Tampere University association for Mathematics, statistics and computer sciences Luuppi ry

Overalls: dark grey

Tampere University association of Political Science and International Relations Iltakoulu ry

Overalls: dark green

Tampere University association for Social Sciences Interaktio ry

Overalls: turquoise

Tampere University association of Social Work, SOS ry

Overalls: white

Tampere University association for Finnish language Kopula ry

Overalls: blue like in the Finnish flag

Tampere University association of Health Sciences, Salus ry

Overalls: fuchsia

Tampere University association for Early Childhood Education ITU ry

Overalls: dark green

Tampere University association for foreign languages Lexica ry

Overalls: red

Tampere University association of  Communication Reettorit ry

Overalls: black

TaSciEn – Tampere Science and Engineering Students’ association ry

Overalls: scientific cyan

Science and engineering guild Hiukkanen

Overalls: purple


Overalls: white with a pink stripe

Textile and clothing engineer club TVIK (activity ceased)

Overalls: pink

Guild of Information and Knowledge Management Man@ger

Overalls: grey

Industrial Engineering and Management guild Indecs

Overalls: white

Uranaisten Opiskelijaseura UrOs

Overalls: brown

Guild of Environmental and Energy Engineering YKI

Overalls: green


Student cap

The student cap is a part of the university traditions, and it has a history of over 150 years. Originally a part of the graduate uniform, the remaining symbol became more common in Finland at the turn of 1870, based on the models of Sweden and Denmark. In the ’50s, the cap was still used generally from the beginning of May until the end of September, but nowadays it’s only used at Wappu.

The Finnish black and white student cap is lower and slimmer than the Swedish Finn’s version. The cap’s lining is usually blue and white or in the colours of the student nation. In addition to the student cap, other graduation caps are in use. The cap of people with double degrees has a dark purple velvet band instead of a black one. The student cap is not the only graduation cap, and vocational school’s graduates have their own caps in their own field’s colours.

Teekkari cap

The engineering students’ most explicit and visible symbol is the teekkari cap. The use of this playful cap with a tassel begun in Sweden at the end of the 20th century. After various development phases, five different versions of the cap are now in use: Oulu’s pixie cap-like version, Jyväskylä’s 8-cornered version, Lappeenranta’s and UEF’s 7-cornered one, Turku’s round one and Otaniemi, Tampere and Vaasa’s 6-cornered versions.

The use of the Tampere teekkari cap

The engineering students of Tampere put their caps on at the same time, as the cap is put on the Suomen neito statue on Wappu night. The cap can be used freely during the summer, until the last day of September, when it is laid to rest for the winter. During winter, the cap can only be used with a separate permission. The teekkari cap is almost like a sacred item to the engineering students, but it is not meant to sit on a shelf gathering dust, but it’s for frequent and dignified use. The rights to use the cap is granted by Tampereen Teekkarit ry.

Ordering the teekkari cap

Tampereen Teekkarit ry takes care of selling the teekkari caps. The teekkari cap is tried on, ordered and paid during the academic year. A cap ordered and paid in time is cheaper than one ordered at the last minute. Teekkari cap fittings are done at the student union’s service office in Hervanta. Note! The size of the cap you ordered cannot be changed, so decide carefully. The order is binding. You can order the teekkari caps from Tampereen Teekkarit’s website.