Current issues

Operational grants 2019 have been granted

Operational grants of 2019 have been granted, as TREY board accepted the grants in their meeting 29.8.2019. Grants will be paid to associations during September. This year the amount granted is 80 000 euros. This consists of two halves. One…

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Go west, young student

If a list of possible ways of travelling to another country easily, flexibly and economically for a fixed period existed, going on exchange would cover the most of it. Still, there’s more to going on exchange than just being cost-effective:…

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Time for some tutoring!

During the summer, I had already gotten used to the eerily quiet hallways on the campuses of Tampere University. The students & staff were enjoying their well-deserved summer breaks and I was happily thinking that the new semester was aeons…

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