Current issues

Submit your proposal for Good Teacher Award recipients

The Student Union of Tampere University appreciates the quality of teaching, the willingness of teachers to improve their courses and being student friendly. TREY’s goal is to reward faculty members widely in the community. As such the student union honours…

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Self-compassion releases your strengths!

In our customer service work we have noticed that students’ experiences of their inadequacy are very common. Many students are very demanding of themselves and blame themselves when their work does not meet their high expectations. Self-flagellation may be a…

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Break Away Wappu begins 13 April

It’s time to break away! Break Away Wappu will be held from 13 April to 1 May and traditional events, as well as completely new types of event concepts, are promised! The theme of Wappu is Break Away Wappu to…

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Comment on the draft of TREY’s Language Principles

In 2021 TREY launched an action plan project called “A truly international university community”, and one of its measures was to create language principles for TREY. The language principles define how TREY promotes multilingualism internally as well as the goals…

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