Current issues

New employees at TREY in spring 2021!

This spring, the TREY’s office has again got many new faces to promote the affairs of students, so let’s introduce them!   Jenna Koskelo, translator trainee Jenna Koskelo, our translator trainee this spring, will be the first to be introduced.…

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Elections, at last

Elections are the best time of a person’s life. That’s what I’ve been telling myself for the past spring and regularly even before that whenever there were elections in sight. Voting and elections have always had that special something. They…

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Operational Grants of 2021 Have Been Awarded!

TREY’s Board made the decision on operational grants of 2021 in their meeting on 3 June 2021. According to the Association Standing Order, the decision was made within two months after the application period had ended. The grants of TREY…

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