Questions and answers about 4th period teaching arrangements

Tampere Universities will return to in-person teaching starting 7 March. However, teaching can also be delivered in a remote or hybrid format for pedagogical reasons. The change from remote teaching to in-person teaching has raised many questions in our community and we have gathered answers to the frequently asked questions to this article. Our Corona FAQ -page has also been updated with this new information.


Is it still possible to study remotely in the future?

If the course is held by in-person teaching there won’t be an alternative option of remote teaching. This goes both ways, if the course is arranged as a remote course, there won’t be an alternative in-person teaching option.

After we return to in-person teaching, is there still going to be an option to participate in the teaching remotely via lecture recordings?

In the courses that already have lecture recordings and in those where recording the in-person teaching is possible, the recordings can be used as part of the teaching.

What are “the pedagogically strong grounds to organise remote teaching? How is the university going to make sure that the teaching principles are uniform in the faculties and between them?

Faculties and Language Centre have discussed the teaching in the fourth period and they have made their guidelines for the teaching in certain faculties or units. The teacher will decide the teaching method according to these guidelines.

If the course has started in the third period, is it still possible to finish it remotely?

Faculties and Language Centre have discussed the teaching in the fourth period and they have made their guidelines for the teaching in certain faculties or units. The teacher will decide the teaching method according to these guidelines.

When we return to in-person teaching will the hybrid studying option remain? Do we have both remote and in-person teaching next year or are all the courses going to be in-person?

The teaching arrangements for the academic year 2022-2023 are in the planning-phase in the beginning of the spring. Most likely, we are going to utilise all three teaching methods: in-person, hybrid and remote teaching. Teachers are required to have a pedagogical reason for the selected method.


How do we make sure that everyone in the campuses are safe?

We urge all the members of the Tampere Universities community to wear masks in the indoor campus facilities. Students and teachers all should wear a mask during in-person teaching.

Are the special arrangements for students who are at a higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 going to end?

The proposal for special arrangements is still possible to obtain. For the proposal, students will need a doctor’s note that states that the student is at a higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. You can find more information about the proposal for special arrangements from the University’s Intranet. When a student gets the proposal it is their own responsibility to talk with the teachers as soon as possible about the special arrangements. The teacher will make the final decision on what these arrangements are.

What is the maximum size of the teaching groups and can faculties make their own decisions on this?

There are no limits on the sizes of the teaching groups that are caused by Covid. The university community is urged to wear a mask in the indoor campus facilities, if there is no medical reason not to wear one. Wearing the masks during in-person teaching makes it possible to have the normal-sized teaching groups and if needed the teaching can be moved into a bigger space.

Can we still take the examinations remotely for special reasons?

If the course’s teacher sees it as a possibility. University recommends teachers to use the Tuni EXAM -system for exams. With the EXAM-system, students can take the exams at our own university’s campuses or at other universities via EXAM-visit. EXAM-visit means that the student will take the exam in some other universities’ EXAM-spaces. It is student’s responsibility to check what kind of instructions that university has about the EXAM-visit. You can find more information from Tuni-EXAM webpage.

Decision making

Is this a final decision?

These guidelines are for the fourth period. If there are changes in the national or regional guidelines, our university’s pandemic group will make changes in the guidelines.

Our frequently updated current information on the COVID19-situation -news article

Intranet news article on the latest updates on the coronavirus and instructions for staff and students

If you have any questions about the COVID-19 situation, you can contact us via email at