We have extended the submissions’ period for the recipients of TREY’s Good Teacher Award. The submission form is open until June 6. You can find more information about the award and link for the submission form from our previous news…
We have extended the submissions’ period for the recipients of TREY’s Good Teacher Award. The submission form is open until June 6. You can find more information about the award and link for the submission form from our previous news…
TREY wants to improve the member services! Upgrading our member services is a part of the TREYs action plan 2021 and that’s why we’ve opened a Member Service Survey to gather the opinions of our members. We want to hear…
TREY’s board is on holiday on 19.6.-1.8. TREY’s personnel are on holiday mostly in the month of July. In urgent matters, please contact help@trey.fi. The holidays affect our opening times as follows: The city centre service office is closed from…
The council of the Student Union of Tampere University had a meeting on 28 April. In the meeting, the council agreed on the last year’s annual report and financial statement and granted discharge from liability for Nevanpää’s Executive Board and…
In Tampere University, we have been working with information systems and developing them for quite some time now and we, the Student Union, student associations and Tampere University faculty, have done this work together. Starting to use a mutual student…