Current issues

Vivat academia!

Are you familiar with the concept of ”academic freedom”? It is one of the core values of our University, and the student’s freedom and responsibility over the development of their own thinking and world view. In the more common sense…

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Apply for TREY’s executive board!

The search for TREY’s executive board 2020 is now open! Apply to build your student union, influence student-related issues and improve our community into an even better one! You can apply for the board here. We will publish the application…

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TREY is taking part in Red Nose Day!

  TREY is taking part in Red Nose Day! Red Nose Day has helped millions of kids achieve a better life with the help of the donations. TREY has opened a online collection box and by donating you can participate…

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Greetings from the council’s meeting on 29.10.

TREY’s council met at Kauppi campus on the 29th of October. The council discussed the electing of the Academic Board’s student members, decided on the implementation method of TREY’s own student media, approved the Equality Plan of the student union…

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