Current issues

TREY has no room for fascists

TREY refuses co-operation with The Finns Party Youth association as long as they break our student union’s equality principles. The Finns Party Youth’s first vice chair Toni Jalonen participated as the associations representative in the Estonian Etnofutur-conference during the weekend.…

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Towards a European University

These are curious times for the European Union. The UK left the EU ranks just a few days ago and so did a great deal of whiskey and sheep, according to the news. The EU losses are hardly limited to…

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The level of education does not rise on its own

Greetings from the Kick-off Seminar of the National Union of University Students in Finland! Laura Rissanen wrote in Aamulehti on 11 January on the topic of raising the universities’ objectives for degrees. The increase in the number of students has…

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