The perspective of equality is present in all TREY’s operations and statements. TREY advocates for gender equality, accessibility and equal treatment for all kinds of people at the University. TREY also organises equality training for the association actives operating within TREY.

The student union has a representative in the University’s equality committee, where we make sure that the student perspective is considered in the University’s equality work.

In all questions concerning the University or the student union’s equality, contact the the Specialist in Social Affairs or the equality organiser of TREY’s board. TREY also has harassment contact persons who can provide confidential support in cases of bullying, discrimination or harassment. More information about harassment contact persons can be found on TREYs website here.


According to the Universities Act (558/2009 Section 37a) and the Non-discrimination Act (1325/2014 Section 15), students have a right for reasonable adjustments so that their state of health or ability to function do not become obstacles in their studies or in obtaining services. You can direct your questions and requests about exam and lecture arrangements to You can read more on special arrangments and accessibility on University intranet. TREY is an advocate for you in these questions as well; don’t hesitate to contact us if you need advice or support!

Accessibility is an important value for TREY. We aim for all student union events and meetings to be organised in accessible facilities. TREY’s Specialist in Social Affairs will answer questions about the accessibility of the student union’s operations and would gladly hear your comments and experiences. The contact information for all TREY officers can be found on this website.

Harassment and discrimination

The student union is an equal community in which we intervene in harassment, bullying and other types of inappropriate treatment.

All students regardless of age, nationality, ethnicity, skin colour, gender, sexuality, state of health, ability to function, beliefs, family situation or socioeconomic background are equal members of the student union. Any kind of discrimination based on a person’s characteristics will not be accepted.

In general, harassment includes creating an atmosphere that is threatening, aggressive, derogatory or demeaning. Sexual harassment is also a form of harassment, but harassment can also be associated with other basis of discrimination.

The student union has two harassment contact persons who help students and give them advice in matters regarding equality. You can find more information on the Help regarding harassment, discrimination and bullying page.

Documents on equality

The Equality Plan of the Student Union of Tampere University can be found on the Steering documents page.

The guide for equality in sitsi parties can be found on the material data bank.

Main concepts


As per the Non-discrimination Act (1325/2014), all humans are equal and it is prohibited to discriminate against another person on the grounds of personal characteristics.

In other words, the realisation of equality means that everyone must have equal opportunities to participate and be treated in equal manner regardless of their background.


The term equality refers to the equality of the sexes (Act on Equality between Women and Men 609/1986).​ The Equality Act also covers gender diversity. ​ Equality promotes equality regardless of gender identity, gender expression or characteristics associated with gender.

The realisation of equality means that each and every one must be guaranteed equal possibilities and treatment regardless of their assumed gender, gender identity or expression of gender.


Discrimination means that a person is treated worse on the basis of a personal characteristic. Discrimination is prohibited regardless of whether it is based on a fact or assumption concerning the person him/herself or someone else. Therefore, putting a person at a disadvantage compared with others on the grounds of being a family member, relative, close friend or colleague to a person of an ethnic minority or to a disabled person is also a form of discrimination.

Per the Non-discrimination Act, prohibited forms of discrimination are:

  • immediate or direct discrimination: e.g. a hotel refuses to rent a room to customers of the same gender because of their sexual orientation.
  • secondary or indirect discrimination: e.g. the employer requires the employee to have perfect knowledge of Finnish even though it is not necessary for performing the task.
  • harassment: bullying at the workplace where an employee is treated in a humiliating, degrading or intimidating manner.
  • instruction or order to discriminate: e.g. the store manager orders the employees to not serve Romany customers. The order itself is discrimination, regardless of whether the employee follows it or not.
  • refusal to make appropriate adjustments: e.g. not ensuring an accessible entry to a movie theatre.


Harassment means inappropriate conduct that is aimed at an individual. This can take form in bullying, belittling or ignoring, intimidation or isolation. In general, harassment includes the creation of an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive atmosphere. Harassment is a form of discrimination. When talking about harassment, the presumption is that it always refers to gender-based or sexual harassment. However, harassment may also be related to other grounds for discrimination.

Sexual harassment means verbal, non-verbal or physical unwanted conduct of a sexual nature by which a person’s psychological or physical integrity is violated intentionally or factually, in particular by creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive atmosphere.

On the other hand, gender-based harassment means unwanted conduct that is not of a sexual nature but which is related to the gender of a person, their gender identity or gender expression, and by which the person’s psychological or physical integrity is intentionally or factually violated and an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive atmosphere is created.


Intersectionality as a concept refers to the status of a person in society being affected by numerous other factors besides gender. These include age, origin, sexual orientation or socio-economic status, among others. Good examples of intersectionality and multiple discrimination can be found on the website of the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare (in Finnish).


Due to various characteristics, some people may be in a more privileged position compared to others. These characteristics are often based on the predominant social norms. In society, some characteristics are valued more than others, and it is less likely to face discrimination based on characteristics of this kind. Characteristics often viewed as privileges include being white, wealthy, heterosexual, cisgender and proficient in languages.

Being privileged does not mean that you are a worse person than others. However, it is good to acknowledge your privileges and position in society, so that you can gain a better understanding of the world around and other people.

Racism and anti-racism

Racism refers to the discrimination of a person or group based on, for instance, ethnicity, origin, colour or nationality. Racism may also be visible in the structures of society, such as in schools, at work or in services, as discriminatory practices. Racism may occur as intentional or unintentional acts or prejudices, for instance. More comprehensive information on racism can be found here on the website of the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman.

Anti-racism refers to active measures taken to tackle racism and stamp it out in its various forms.


Accessibility is about considering the diversity of people. This applies to the built environment as well as, for example, services, communication, and attitudes.

The term accessibility refers to the physical environment, such as buildings, outdoor areas, and transportation. The same term also refers to the suitability of online and other services and communications for all. The term can refer to either one of these aspects, but also in general to both.