Current issues

Student, vote in the county elections!

The advance voting period for Finland’s first county elections is 12-18 January 2022 and the election day is 23 January 2022. By voting in the county elections, you will be able to influence who decides on your social and health…

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TREY’s new employees in autumn 2021!

A few new employees have started working at TREY this autumn, so let’s introduce them! Oke Rouhe Oke started as TREY’s new financial manager in August. Oke has a long experience in many financial management roles and has continued his…

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Active students were awarded at Plörgit!

Active students and association were awarded at Plörgit this Wednesday 15.12. Following awards were awarded: Advocacy act of the year: Linnasta ei luovuta -movement Student representative of the year: Saija Yli-Rosti Council member of the year: Heidi Riikonen Tutor of…

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