The student union is more than just the staff or the Executive Board of the organisation: all of us 18,000 university students in Tampere form TREY. The status, well-being and sense of community of students are in the centre of all that we do. Everyone can take part in activities from different points of view, read more of opportunities below!

Working groups and volunteers

The lowest threshold to participate in the activities of the student union is to volunteer or participate in the activities of the working groups! The student union has several working groups, which you can read more about on the Working groups and volunteers -subpage. As a volunteer, you can participate in organizing events and realizing successful experiences for all students. Get involved, for example, as an assistant at events or apply for the event division Kollektiivi, which organizes student union events throughout the year!

Student representatives

The student union has several representatives in various working groups of the university and the interest groups. Student representatives in the university administration are known as hallopeds, which is formed from the words “hallinnon” (= of the administration) and “opiskelijaedustaja” (= student representative). New student representatives are selected through open calls on a yearly basis. Read more about being and becoming a student representative on its own subpage.

The Committees

The council elects the Administrative Committee, the Committee for Financial Affairs and the Honorary Committee yearly. The duties of the committees are to act as advisory bodies and to gather experts with different profiles together. More information about TREY’s Committees can be found on its own subpage.

The Council

The highest decision-making body of the student union, the Council of Representatives, is elected every two years in elections where all members of the student union are eligible to vote and become a candidate. By becoming a candidate and voting in the elections, you will influence what the student union does. More information about what the council does can be found on its own subpage here.

The Executive Board

All members of the student union can apply to become members of the Executive Board. The Executive Board implements the decisions made by the Council of Representatives and manages daily operations of the student union, such as advocacy work and the creation of community. More information about the Executive Board’s subpage.


The student union offers many opportunities to benefit the community through your work. In addition to our permanent employees, we hire several project workers each year, making it easy to work during your studies. More information about TREYs open vacancies here.