How long is the term of the council that will be elected in the 2024 elections?

Traditionally, the term of the Council is two years, but the term of the Council elected in the 2024 elections is only one year, which is the calendar year 2025.

At the moment, the Student Union of Tampere University (TREY) and the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY) are in a different Council election cycle than the other Student Unions; whereas elsewhere Council elections are held in odd years, they are held in even years in TREY and HYY. TREY and HYY are to move from 2025 onwards to the same Council election cycle as the other student unions. This means that the Council to be elected in the next elections in the autumn of 2024 will serve only a one-year term, and in the autumn of 2025, Council elections will be held again. After this, the two-year Council term 2026-2027 will be the same as in other Finnish Student Unions.

How are the election results calculated?

TREY uses proportional representation as a voting system. The election results are calculated using the d’Hondt method. Voting itself takes place electronically.

The voting system gives results in the following way: Each candidate is given a comparative based on the number of votes they have received. The comparative is calculated by comparing the votes of each candidate to the votes of the whole electoral alliance. Here is how the calculation is done: first the candidates inside each electoral alliance are put in the order based on their individual votes. Then the comparative is calculated inside each electoral alliance. The candidate with most votes gets the combined votes of their electoral alliance as their comparative. The candidate with second most votes gets half of the combined votes of the electoral alliance as their comparative. The candidate with the third most votes gets one third of the combined votes of the electoral alliance as their comparative, etc. After the comparatives of each electoral alliance and each candidate have been calculated, the candidates are sorted based on their comparatives. 49 members are elected to the Council of Representatives using this election system.

What is the difference between Electoral Circle and Electoral Alliance?

Electoral Alliance is a group formed by candidates. Electoral Alliances are most often created by candidates who share similar interests about decisions made in the Council of Representatives. Electoral Alliance can be formed by different associations, causes or groups. Electoral Alliances can also form an Electoral Circle, so Electoral Circle is a group of Electoral Alliances.

Where can I find information about existing Electoral Alliances and Circles?

Electoral Alliances and Electoral Circles announced to the Central Election Committee by 2 September 2024 will be updated to the subpage Electoral Alliances and Circles with their contact information, making it easy for you to contact Alliances you might be interested in!

Current council groups are found in the Council of Representatives -section of TREY web page.

How does work in the Council begin?

The new Council of Representatives starts their work with orientation shortly after the election in November. At the beginning of December, the council’s constitutive meeting will be held. In this meeting, the Council selects a Chair and their deputies, appoints Committees and selects the Executive Board for the following year.

The new Council of Representatives begins its term in the start of a new year following the election. The first meeting is held during late January or early February.

Can I be a candidate for the Council of Representatives, if I also plan to apply for the Executive Board?

Absolutely. However, if you get elected for the Council in the election and for the Executive Board in the constitutive meeting, you are disqualified from working in the council during the time you are in the Executive Board. After your term in the Executive Board is over you resume your position in the Council.

Can I become a candidate if I’m planning an exchange semester or internship?

You can become a candidate if you are planning an exchange semester or an internship. When you become a candidate and during voting, you must be a member of the Student Union and registered as present. If you go on an exchange or do an internship during your time on the Council, you may be granted a temporary right to be absent for up to a year. During your temporary absence, you will not participate in the Council’s decision-making. Instead, a deputy member from your electoral alliance will take your place.

How much work the Council demands?

The Council of Representatives meets about eight times during the academic year. Meetings are held during semesters. A meeting typically lasts a few hours, about two to four hours. A preparatory meeting is held before each official meeting, and those also last about few hours. During preparatory meetings each proposal is discussed. Prepared proposals are presented to the Council. Preparatory meetings offer a chance to ask questions about proposals and influence how they are prepared.

Committees under the Council have usually monthly meetings. Each meeting lasts about a couple of hours.

Between meetings the Council communicates using  Telegram and email.

Any tips on how associations can best create hype and share information about the elections?

We will create a council elections material bank for the associations to use in their communications. The materials will be updated to the Student Union’s data bank during early autumn. In addition, associations can promote their own candidates and electoral alliances on social media. Make sure that all your association’s own possible candidates have equal visibility in the association’s communication channels.

What is the Central Election Committee? Who are members of the Committee?

The Central Election Committee is an organ appointed by the Council of Representatives. It has seven members. The Central Election Committee is in charge of decisions regarding the council elections, for example when the election is held, how and when you can become a candidate, and what kind of voting system will be used. Members of the Central Election Committee are chosen from the Council of Representatives. The current members of the Central Election Committee can be found on the subpage Committees.