If you can’t find the form you need, contact the sector in question.


Association status application on Microsoft Forms

Project grant application form on Microsoft Forms

Application form for association facilities on Microsoft Forms

These criteria were approved by TREY’s Executive Board in their meeting on 11th Apr 2019.

  1. The association applying for a room or space must have association status at TREY or must have applied for association status at TREY.
  2. The association, to which the space or room will be granted, must be an association operating under TREY.
  3. Applying for a space happens by filling out TREY’s facility application and sending it to the association sector.
  4. Applications are queued up in order of arrival. However, as a suitable space becomes available, the queue can be prioritized by the Executive Board’s judgement according to necessity, as is defined in sections 7.–8.
  5. In principle, an association can be granted one association space and one storage space.
  6. We aim to preserve the association’s status at no less than its current level.
  7. Spaces are primarily granted to subject associations with student intake and advocacy associations.
  8. In distributing the spaces, priorities are association size and whether having the space is crucial for the association to operate. The space must benefit the association’s members. In distributing the spaces, we aim to consider distinctive characteristic of the association’s activity (e.g., requirement for workspace).
  9. The continuance of the applying association’s activity must be guaranteed.
  10. The space is primarily granted at the campus at which the association has applied for it.
  11. A new space is primarily granted to an association which does not yet have a space of its own. In case an advocacy association or a subject association with student intake applies for relocation and an available space meets the association’s requirements significantly better than its current space does, it is granted the new space and its old space is granted to another subject or hobby association that has applied.
  12. Applications delivered by 11th May are reviewed as if they have arrived at the same time.
  13. The spaces are granted by the Executive Board based on the association sector’s proposal and in cooperation with facility services.

TREY and Tampere University want to support arranging remote events and meeting by offering streaming equipment for borrowing!

Booking and returning the equipment

  • The streaming equipment is available at TREY Hervanta and city centre Service Office for associations operating within TREY and all TREY members.
  • The equipment can be booked by contacting TREY Hervanta or city centre Service Office via phone or email.
  • The booking time is one day. The booking starts on weekdays at 12 and the equipment is then collectable from Service Offices.
  • The equipment must be returned to the Service Office on following weekday by 11.00.
  • Longer bookings must be discussed with the office secretaries.
  • If you wish to cancel the booking, please contact the Service Offices via phone or email.
  • Do not hand over the streaming equipment to outsiders!

There are 3 streaming sets available on Hervanta campus and 4 sets on city centre campus (including Logitech C925e -camera and Jabra Speak 710 -speaker)

Booking on Hervanta campus: help@trey.fi  or 040713007. Booking on city centre campus: help@trey.fi or 044 361 0210.

TREY member service staff members provide more information on equipment if needed.

Maintenance of the streaming equipment

  • Use the streaming equipment according to the given instructions.
  • Return the streaming equipment in the same condition as it was given to you.
  • If you notice any malfunctions in the equipment, please notify the office secretaries when returning the equipment.