On this page there is a list of hobby associations that operate within TREY. If you want your association to have its introduction on this page or you wish to modify the introduction, please submit this Microsoft Forms form.


Description:ESN FINT is a local section of Erasmus Student Network (ESN) at the centre campus of Tampere University. Our name stands for Finns and Internationals in Tampere (FINT). We are a non-profit student organisation that provides quality free-time activities for all internationally-minded students and interns in Tampere, including exchange students, international degree students and local students. Our activities include various events, language groups and trips. We also offer services such as the second hand kitchen items rental called “Starting Kit” service.

ESN FINT’s website
ESN FINT’s Facebook-site
Instagram @esnfint

Rakkauden Wappuradio

Description: Rakkauden Wappuradio™ is a student radio station, founded in 2010. Wappuradio broadcasts every year for two weeks at the end of April, with the aim of bringing the joy of Wappu to the celebrating masses via the radiowaves and internet. Wappuradio is run by a very diverse team, are you ready to join us too?

Rakkauden Wappuradio’s website
Rakkauden Wappuradio’s Facebook page
Rakkauden Wappuradio’s Instagram
Rakkauden Wappuradio’s Twitter
Rakkauden Wappuradio’s Telegram

Sailing Club Pii

Description: With Pii, you get to sail on both, Näsijärvi lake and the Baltic sea, all the way to the neighboring countries – even without earlier sailing experience. Pii also organizes all kinds of sailing and boating-related training events and courses, like the sailing course for beginners every spring (most of these in Finnish, unfortunately). You can find more information about Pii from our website, or you can send us your questions in a Telegram group, which was made just for this purpose.

Sailing Club Pii’s website
Sailing Club Pii’s Facebook page
Sailing Club Pii’s Instagram
Sailing Club Pii’s Telegram

Herwannan Hauiskääntö

Description: Herwannan Hauiskääntö is a sports club that has specialized in olympic weightlifting and powerlifting for all SportUni members who are interested in gym training. We organize various courses, events and competitions for beginners and more experienced lifters.

Herwannan Hauiskääntös website.

Herwannan Hauiskääntö can be found on Facebook and Instagram. Their Instagram is @herwannanhauiskaanto

Tampereen Yliopiston Raskaan Musiikin Ystävien Seura TYRMÄYS ry

Description: The metal club TYRMÄYS aims to spread the gospel of metal music at the University of Tampere. Tyrmäys organizes all kinds of events made of metal, including casual hangouts, club room nights, picnics, pub crawls, academic table parties and concert nights. We welcome all metalheads to join us!

Tyrmäys website
Tyrmäys Facebook -page
Tyrmäys Instagram
Tyrmäys e-mail list

Energy and Process Technology subject association – Exergia ry

Description: Exergia organizes excursions and sauna evenings for students. These events allow students to meet companies that operate in the energy and process technology sectors. Within our activities you get to see and experience energy technology in action and can find new career opportunities. The membership fee is 2€ per year and entitles you access to our mailing list, telegram group and events. All students from Tampere University who are interested in energy technology are welcome to join the club.

Exergia’s website 
Exergia’s Instagram account



Description: Teekkarikuoro is a mixed choir of about 60 people and practices mainly once a week on Monday evenings at Hervanta Campus. Members are mostly students at Tampere University, but student status is not an entrance requirement. Repertoire varies from folk music style to vocal ensemble music and drinking songs. The choir rehearses goal-orientedly but remembers to have fun, too, and the members also hang out outside the rehearsals often. Anyone can come and try singing with us at the open rehearsals arranged in the beginning of fall and spring semesters. Alongside the choir there is an actively performing small-group TeekkariKvartti.

Nettisivut: Teekkarikuoro’s website
Facebook: Teekkarikuoro’s Facebook page
Instagram: @teekkarikuoro

Excalibur Role-playing Game Club

Description: Excalibur is a club for people who are interested in roleplaying, board, card and miniature games. We have several groups playing roleplaying campaigns and we have weekly boardgaming nights at Hervanta campus club room and almost weekly in downtown at Vanha Domus (TOAS apartment) clubroom. Or just visit club room anytime and ask if people are interested in round of some game. There is nice amount of gaming material at clubroom, much of it in english. Best way to reach us is to join our Telegram or irc chat, welcome to visit!

Excalibur’s website
Excalibur’s Facebook-site
Excalibur’s Telegram

IRC #xcalibur @IrcNet


Description: Our mission is to spread the gospel of electronic music. We arrange DJ courses, all kinds of events and get-togethers in our clubroom. To the higher education scene of Tampere Spinni is probably best known for the biannual Spinni sauna events. Spinni was founded in 1996.

Spinni’s website
Spinni’s Instagram-account
Spinni’s Facebook-page
Telegram: tg.spinni.org


Description: Herwannan Nykyaikain Teekkarein Animaatioiltamat, or HeNTAi for short, is an anime and manga club, which organises activities for students. Our main activities are weekly anime evenings and occasional movie nights to enjoy anime together. In the clubroom, located in Sähkötalo kellari, you can read manga, enjoy audio-visual entertainment or just have a breather when other guilds and clubs are busy. You can join for free via membership application form on our website. There’s also link to our Discord group.

HeNTAi’s website

The UN Association of Tampere TAYK ry

Description: Are you passionate about sustainable development? Do you value human rights, peace and equal opportunities? If you want to know how the world works and how we can achieve these goals and more, we are the association for you. We are TAYK, a group of like-minded people interested in the United Nations. We organize various events, from big events like annual Peace Day seminar, to low key get-together events like sauna nights. You don’t have to be an expert of the UN to participate, little bit of curiosity goes a long way! Follow us on social media to know more!

TAYK ry’s webpage
TAYK ry:n Facebook-page
Instagram: @tayk_ry

Modeemi ry

Kuvaus: Modeemi ry on Tampereen yliopiston Hervannan kampuksen piirissä vuodesta 1977 saakka toiminut ATK-alan harrastajien yhdistys, jonka tavoitteena on edistää Suomen ATK-alan opiskelijoiden sekä valmistuneiden verkostoitumista ja harrastuneisuutta. Kerho harjoittaa käytännön tasolla säätöä, tunkkausta, saunontaa ja syömistä. Lisäksi välitämme alan kirjallisuutta ja annamme Oikeita Mielipiteitä™ lähes kaikissa alan ongelmissa. Tule kysymään oikeita mielipiteitä tai apua osoitteeseen #modeemi @ IRCnet.

Modeemin nettisivut. 

Pullonkaula ry

Description: Pullonkaula is a club of production engineering located in PB004 in the Hervanta Campus of Tampere University. Our club is mostly known for all sorts of projects. The current top projects are a Drink robot made from Yaskawa HC-10 collaborative robot and a large scale 3D printer built on an old laser cutter. In addition to these, our club has a 3D chocolate printer, a pancake printer, and an IOT coffee maker. If robots, 3D printing, IOT, Telegram bots, doing your projects, or just hanging around while drinking coffee and playing Playstation sound good, we’re a club for you!

Pullonkaula’s Facebook-site
Pullonkaula’s Instagram


EUROAVIA is the European Association of Aerospace Students, representing the interests of over 2000 students from 42 universities in 18 European countries. Euroavia Tampere is one of the Associated Societies of the main organisation and its member are students of the Tampere Universities that share the same passion for aviation. The Association aims to provide industry connections to Europe and Finland for the local students. We make yearly excursions to companies, hold member events and arrange other related activities. Euroavia Tampere is also active in development of the aeronautical engineering education in Tampere Universities.

EUROAVIA’s website
EUROAVIA’s Instagram


Description: Aviation club Albatross is a club for everyone interested in some sort of aviation. Currently model airplanes form most of the club’s activities and Albatross organizes, for example, indoor flying in Tamppi arena. In addition, the club has some planes of its own which members can fly. Other events organized by Albatross are for example club evenings and excursions. The club room is located in the basement of Sähkötalo in room SA030 and there is a space for building your own models and some computers for simulator use. Albatross has a one time membership fee that is 3€.

Albatrossi’s webpage
Albatrossi’s Facebook-site


Description: Flokki ry is a professional subject association of environmental engineering in Hervanta campus. Club’s purpose is to connect students interested in environmental engineering, which covers e.g. water and waste management, circular economy and contaminated land. In Flokki’s events you get to know this field, its entertainments and current issues better. Our environmental engineering related events are e.g. sauna evenings, excursions or club coffees, taking members’ wishes into account. Our activities are easy to participate in low threshold and we welcome you to get to know Flokki better! More information, membership form and board’s contact information are available on our website.

Flokki’s webpage
Instagram: @flokkiofficial

Safir ry

Description: Safir brings together students who are interested in safety engineering and management. We arrange events, such as excursions and sauna evenings. The aim is to make connections to business world and develop education of safety engineering. There are also international students as club members and we hope that more would join Safir! More info is in Facebook page.

Safir’s Facebook-site 

Tr3 Gamers

Description: Tr3 Gamers is a club for anyone interested in video games. Whether you like to watch esports-tournaments, play competitively, or just happen to like video games, this club is for you. We organize various leagues for different games for university students and alumni in all Finland, organize one of the biggest tournaments in our nation and have smaller play-togethers. These events change depending on the demand and what the organizers are interested in. In addition to this, we also broadcast as we also like to stream our events! So, if our activity sounds even remotely interesting, we recommend you to visit our home page! We hope that anyone enthusiastic about video games in one way or another would find a home in our club

TR3 Gamers’ webpage
Instagram: @tr3gamers, Twitter: @tr3gamers and Twitch: Tr3Gamers

Wine and beer club Château

Château’s main mode of operation is organizing tasting events (maistit), which are usually held at least once a month at the Hervanta campus of Tampere University. The tasted beverages are most commonly wines or beers, but over the years whisky, rum, cider and sherry has also ended up in the glasses – just to name a few examples. The most essential thing to note is that we don’t taste with our little fingers up, nor do we spit, we swallow. Château also rents drinking glasses to anniversaries and other celebrations.

Wine and beer club Château’s webpage 


Description: TTLK is a volleyball club. We have men’s and women’s teams who play in the league of Tampere area. We organize volleyball practices three times a week and in normal conditions also beginner’s courses in the fall and spring semesters. Every Tampere University member is welcome to our practices.

TTLK’s Facebook-page
TTLK’s Instagram


Description: FreezeBees is a ultimate frisbee team and we arrange open guided practices every Wednesday from 8:30pm to 10:00pm in Atalpa sports hall. Ultimate frisbee is a fast sport that is growing world-wide and it is known for very good spirit. Everyone is free to join no matter what is your previous background in sports! For even more info contact us freezebees(at)gmail.com or via our website.

FreezeBees’ webpage

Tampere Academically Civilised Friends of Gambina

Description: Tampereen Akateemisesti Sivistyneet Gambinan Ystävät ry (Tampere Academically Civilised Friends of Gambina) aims to organize cross-campus activities, foster a community and spread the ruby red joy. We connect people across Tampere campuses, Finland, and the world. We organize events such as sitsit parties and member evenings, and our club in famous for its legendary Gambina meetings. We welcome everyone, regardless of whether they drink alcohol or not!

TAkSiGaYs’ website
TAkSiGaYs’ Facebook page
TAkSiGaYs’ Instagram

Pollex, Club of Biomedical Engineering

Description: Pollex is a club for students interested in Biomedical Engineering. We organize events related to the working life, such as excursions and career-themed gatherings, where you will get to know like-minded people and companies operating in the field. Our club room is located at Hervanta campus, in the basement of Päärakennus, in room PC001E.

Join us and let’s find out together what kind of possibilities studying and working in the field of biomedical engineering has to offer!

Pollex’ website
Pollex’ Facebook page
Pollex’ Instagram
Pollex’ LinkedIn

Camera club Vastavalo

We are small, but active community of people interested in photography, which does not circle around the fanciest equipment. Most important is to have fun while being creative which is something we want to highlight with our events.

Exploring different styles is distinctive quality of photography and it makes it refreshingly diverse. We want to encourage our members to find their own style, was it urban portraits, landscapes or abstractions.

The darkroom in Kaleva is our heart. It provides good circumstances for developing film and printing analogue images.

The mind boggling questions can be asked in our Telegram chat.

Vastavalo’s website
Vastavalo’s Telegram Group

Club for electrical energy engineering students SETKO ry

SETKO is a club for electrical energy engineering and power electronics engineering students at Tampere University, Hervanta Campus. SETKO aims to bring the department of electrical engineering, electrical companies and students closer to each other. We organize annually sauna evenings with representatives from electrical engineering businesses, and also visitations to these companies and other activities.

Interested? You should become a member! More information on the SETKO website.

Setko’s website
Setko’s Facebook page
Setko’s Instagram

Tampere Academic Kyykkä Society

Our purpose is to develop and promote kyykkä culture in Tampere by playing and arranging events. Kyykkä is a game with roots in Karelia and it has a strong student playerbase in Tampere.

You don’t need any experience to participate, only eagerness to get to know this great and traditional Finnish sport. If you want to know more or watch some games, check out our intro video on YouTube!

During the year, we’ll arrange a league and some tournaments. We have training sessions in Hervanta’s Kuusikkopuisto, where everyone is welcome. You’ll hear more about the training sessions on our Telegram.

Kyykkä Society’s web site
Kyykkä Society’s Instagram
Kyykkä Society’s Facebook
Kyykkä Society’s Telegram
Kyykkä Society’s Youtube
Kyykkä Society’s Intro Video

Tampere University Radio Club OH3TR

The radio club Tampereen teekkarien radiokerho ry was founded in 1966 for those interested in radio amateur activities. Club meeting on Thursdays from 6pm onwards in Hervanta campus, room SL403.

Radio Club’s website


NääsPeksi is an interactive improv & musical theatre production made and performed by the students of Tampere. If you like to e.g. make costumes, props or set pieces, do makeup & hair, take photos or dance – good news, we have a place for you! NääsPeksi shows take place annually in November-December.

We are looking for new people to join the production every year. Some teams like lyrics and script require fluent Finnish, but many others are suitable for English speakers too. Keep an eye on our website and social media to know when we are recruiting!

NääsPeksi website

NääsPeksi Instagram

NääsPeksi Facebook-page