The statements made by the Student Union are published here!
TREY gave a statement on the draft of the new entrance exam model (article published 22.4.)
TREY gave a statement on increasing the open universities fee (article published 29.2.)
TREY gave a statement regarding the outline of the funding model (article published 20.2.)
The student cannot be the eternal loser in the budget negotiations (article published 25.9.)
AYY, TREY & OYY: Stop the insidious expansion of fee-paying education (article published 12.5.)
Free education must be defended! (article published 24.3.)
AYY and TREY: Strict NO for the new pathway with tuition fees (article published 9.5.)
The University must return students’ access rights to campuses! (article published 1.10.)
Joint statement from TREY and Tamko about opening the libraries (article published 4.6.)
TREY gave a statement on the higher education accessibility plan (article published 4.5.)
TREY´s statement on mid-term policy review (article published 14.4.2021.)
TREY’s statement on returning the sports fee (article published 19.2.2021)
TREY’s statement on the education policy report (article published 2.2.2021)
Education should not be tied to ones bank account (article published 14.5.2020)
TREY supports our students environmental appeal here and now (article published 10.4.2020)
TREY’s comments on the university’s draft strategy (article published 23.1.2020)