The student union, together with Tampereen Teekkarien Moottorikerho, rents a van with an inexpensive user fee for the TREY members to use during moves, collecting goods or other needs.  There is one van available in city centre and one in Hervanta. Read the instructions below carefully before renting the van.

Collection of keys

The van keys are collected Service Offices, depending on which van you have booked.  See the opening hours here. The keys can be collected only during the Service Office opening hours. The keys for weekend bookings are collected on Fridays.

Only members of TREY (the student union membership fee must be paid, and the renter must have a category B driver’s license or a foreign driver’s license that has been approved by the Finnish police) have the right to rent and drive the van. The booker is the driver of the van and no one else is allowed to drive it during the booking. The recipient of the keys is responsible for all misconduct and damage caused to the vehicle and possible third parties. A van is more difficult to drive than a passenger car, so steady driving skills are recommended for the driver.

Before the drive

  • Read the instructions and rules of the van trough carefully
  • Make a booking on the reservation calendar. Please note, that during turns of the month (±2 days) maximum time for reservation is 6 hours.
  • Pick up the van keys from TREY Service Office during their opening hours. If you are unable to pick up the keys during opening hours, please contact us +35844 361 0210 or before your booking.
  • Please note that one of the vans is located in Hervanta campus and one in the city centre campus. Van in Hervanta is located behind Konetalo, parking spot # 71. The one in the city centre is in the parking lot on the eastern side of the Main building, parking spot # 44.
  • Before driving the van, inspect the condition of the van and write down your possible observations. Write down your name, the km-counter reading, time and date at the beginning of your reservation.
  • Photograph the van before you drive; especially any dents, scratches or other abnormalities! If you notice any dents, dings, scratches, overwhelming dirtyness or a fault of some sort please inform us immediately with photos; or send a Telegram message to @pakuvastaava. Doing this before driving will save you from cost of someone else’s mishaps.
  • If the van lights up the fault indicator light, stop the van and call TTMK immediately!

After the drive

  • Return the van to its parking spot immediately when your booking ends. There might be other bookings after your drive.
  • When you’re returning the van to it’s place, inspect the condition of the van again to make sure there isn’t any damage. If there happens to be any damage, please contact or Telegram @pakuvastaava.
  • After inspecting the van, write down the mileage at the end of your reservation and the time when you returned the van back to it’s parking spot on the driving diary in the van.
  • If there’s less than half of the tank of fuel left, please contact TTMK via Telegram @pakuvastaava or phone them. Contact information is in the car.
  • If reservation or journey is interrupted or cancelled due to the technical condition or theft of the van, the liability of TTMK or TREY is limited to the price of the reservation!

The contact information for the TTMK person resposible for the van:

Telegram: @pakuvastaava

If you have problems using the reservation calender, please contact 040 713 0073 or

Both of the vans are booked through online reservation calendar. Please check, that you have booked the van from the location that you want it from. Both vans are in use for all our members, regardless of the campus you mainly study on. Please note, that during turns of the month (±2 days) maximum time for reservation is 6 hours (2 time blocks). This means, that the combined booking time during the turn of the month musn’t exceed 6 hours.

Cancelling or moving your reservation in reservation calendar is possible until 48 hours before the beginning of reservation. During the last 48 hours before the reservation it is prohibited and that will cost 12 €.

The reservation calendar can be found on the University’s page here.

Collecting the van keys

You can collect the van keys before your booking from the TREY Service Offices. The Hervanta van keys are collected from TREY Hervanta Office and the city centre van keys from city centre Service Office. The keys for the weekend bookings are collected on Friday. We do not distribute keys outside of the office opening hours. See the opening hours on TREY website. The van has multiple keys so for the weekend bookings each booker will have their own key. If you can not collect the keys during these hours or have something else to ask, please contact or phone +358407130073.  Drivers licence and student card are checked when collecting the keys.

Returning the van keys

If your booking ends during the Service Office opening hours, return the keys immediately to the Service Office.

Returning the keys in Hervanta: you can return the keys to a postbox outside the Service Office (Main building 2nd floor) immediately after your drive has ended. If you do not have access to the campus and the doors are closed, you can return the key to a post slot outside the Main building main doors. Slot says “palautukset/returns”.

The price is being determined by the amount of 3 h time blocks reserved and the kilometres driven during your reservation and possible other fees. Fill in the starting and ending kilometers on the driving diary in the van. The invoice comes via email to the details you provided in the booking calender (email). If you have questions about invoicing, please contact

The minimum invoicing fee is 12 euros.

Hourly rates

  • 10 €/3 hrs for reservation starting in 09:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00 or 21:00.
  • 5 € /3 hrs for reservation starting in 00:00, 03:00 or 06:00.

Kilometre fees

  • 0,48€/km

Possible other fees

  • Cancelling your reservation under 48 hours before the starting time: 12 €.
  • Giving a wrong or inadequate billing information: 5 €.
  • Returning the van too late: 10 € for evry starting 30 minutes.
  • Returning the keys too late: 10 €.
  • Returning the van dirty (in need of clean up):
  • Trash or other stuff not belonging there: 20 €+possible disposing charges.
  • Some kind of filth which needs thorough cleaning (fluids etc.): 200 €.
  • Damaging the van: The insurance covers damages done to the van. The booker is responsible to pay the 200€ deductible insurance part. Notify person responsible of the van immediately about any occured damages. If damages are failed to notify the fee for damages, repairs and solving the issue is min. 1000€ or the expenses caused.
  • Returning the van without notifying for the need to refill (= less than ½ tank): 20 €.
  • Refilling the van with wrong fuel (any other fuel than diesel): 500 €.
  • Returning the van in a wrong location: 60 €.
  • Other contract infringements: 50 € + other possible costs due to the infringements.

If reservation or journey is interrupted or cancelled due to the technical condition or theft of the van, the liability of TTMK or TREY is limited to the price of the reservation!

The Hervanta van is a Volkswagen Crafter with a register plate number COK-921. The van is parked to Konetalo parking lot, space 71. The van has manual gears.

Hervannan kampuksen pakettiauto

Hervannan kampuksen pakettiauto

Map of Hervanta campus.

The city centre van is a Volkswagen Crafter with a register plate number COE-770. The van is parked on the eastside of the Main building, to the parking lot space 44. The van has manual gears.

Keskustakampuksen pakettiauto

Keskustakampuksen pakettiauto

Keskustakampuksen kartta

Measurements of the vans

Measurements of the van cargo space (height 165 cm, width 175 cm and length 320 cm).

Length: 6,1 m and height: 2,5 m.

The city centre van is available for longer trips and the pricing is 85€/24h + fuel. Inquire about booking the van for longer trips via email, Please book the longer trips from the reservation calender yourself. If you wish to cancel your booking after the inquiries, you can cancel it without any fees until two days before the booking as stated in the van rules. Booking for longer than 24 hours and taking the van abroad should always be discussed beforehand.

Please note that the Hervanta van is not available for longer bookings.

If your email isn’t answered in a few days, you can contact TTMK person responsible for the van via Telegram, @pakuvastaava.

Who can rent the van and drive it?

  • Only members of TREY (the student union membership fee must be paid, and the renter must have a category B driver’s license or a foreign driver’s license that has been approved by the Finnish police) have the right to rent and drive the van. University personnel, faculties or laboratories can not rent the van.

How to cancel the van booking?

  • Cancelling or moving your reservation in reservation calendar is possible until 48 hours before the beginning of reservation. During the last 48 hours before the reservation it is prohibited and that will cost 12 €. Please contact the TREY Office Secretaries about canceling the van with less than 48 hours to your booking.

Does the van have a trolley?

  • Both of the vans have trolleys that you can use.

Why only members of TREY can drive the van?

  • This rule is to be sure that we can always contact the person driving if there is an accident. It is also for the insurance and to be sure that the van is only used by the members of TREY – it is a member service mostly funded by the membership fee.

I’m a student at TAMK, can I book the TREY van?

  • Unfortunately you can not. The van is a member service for TREY members (funded by the membership fee). Students of TAMK can not be members of TREY.

The booking calender does not work!

  • Check your booking once more. The unavailable time slots are marked with blue blocks. The free time slots are white. Our booking calender is easier to use with computer than on mobile, so changing your device might help! If you are still facing trouble with your booking, you can contact the TREY Service Offices.

I’ve made a booking, but forgot to pick up the keys during the service office opening hours, what to do?

Unfortunately the keys should be picked up during the service office opening hours. You can still try to contact our service numbers, but we provide service only during our working hours.