The desciptions and electoral goals of Electoral Alliances and Circles will be updated on this page.

You can read more about the Electoral Alliances and Circles from the Election Rule, which is available on the Electoral documents -subpage.


  • Wednesday 2 September 2024 at 16:00: if the list wishes to make use of TREY’s website in its candidate acquisition, the Electoral Alliances must submit at least 2 candidate announcements, as well as possible Electoral Alliance and Electoral Circle agreements to the Central Election Committee by Wednesday 2 September 2024 at 16:00 at the latest via the electronic forms provided on TREY’s website.
  • Sunday 29 September 2024 at 16:00: the final deadline for the nomination of candidates and the establishment of Electoral Alliances and Electoral Circles. Belated candidate announcements or Electoral Alliance and Electoral Circle agreements will not be accepted into the election.