You can read more about the Electoral Alliances and Circles from the Election Rule, which is available on the Electoral documents -subpage.

Electoral Alliances

Oikeisto-opiskelijat (OIKO)

We are the electoral alliance of the Kokoomus Students and Youth at Tampere University, advocating for students’ rights in the spirit of freedom and responsibility.

Our 2024 election themes focus on students’ freedom of choice and flexibility. We aim to eliminate mandatory university membership so that every student can decide whether to join the student union or not. We support increasing the flexibility of studies, such as reducing attendance requirements and expanding digital learning opportunities. Student unions should focus on improving students’ daily lives, including the quality of education and well-functioning mental health services.

Hallintotieteiden liitto (HALLI)

Hallintotieteiden liitto, HALLI, is an organisation-based, politically non-aligned group of student representatives. Our values include a thriving student community and active cooperation within it, good governance, and social responsibility. HALLI is an interdisciplinary group, so we welcome students from all different faculties!

For more information about HALLI visit our website or via Instagram @hallintotieteidenliitto, and Facebook & X Hallintotieteiden liitto. You can contact us on Instagram or by sending an email to We wish everyone a great and exciting election autumn. See you in the Council of Representatives!

Kontakti (Kontakti)

Kontakti is an independent community list for students of languages, communication and social sciences. We work to increase the visibility and interdisciplinarity of both small and large fields at Tampere University. Our goal is to make sure that students from every field have their voices heard in the decision-making processes of the Student Union and the university. We focus on cross-disciplinary networking and encourage connections across different faculties. We want to keep supporting a university where every student can build their own path, find new opportunities and get involved in student organizations. Kontakti has been actively involved throughout TREY’s history, playing a key role in the Council of Representatives, the board, and various working groups. Let’s keep in Kontakti via!

Keskeiset (Kesk.)

Keskeiset is a moderate electoral alliance that emphasizes collaboration. We believe that constructive action and discussion within the student union are the best ways to advocate for students’ interests. In our work, we emphasize education, equality, and sustainable development.

In the student council elections, we want to promote hybrid education so that flexible implementation can make education accessible to everyone in various life situations. The price of student meals must not be increased, and the food should be prepared using primarily domestic ingredients. Additionally, we want to allocate more resources to the FSHS (Finnish Student Health Service). The current situation is unsustainable; the queues are far too long, and students are not receiving the services they need.

Pro Kasvatustieteilijät (Proka)

Pro Kasvatustieteilijät is an electoral alliance for educational students (read more via Proka brings educational knowledge and pedagogical management as well as responsible and active action to the council of representatives. Proka works for our associations and hopes to build an equal and accessible student culture for all students in Tampere.

Proka builds an ecologically, socially and culturally sustainable student union. The student union should be a socially influential member of society, who speaks up, defends their members and builds a student friendly environment. As educational students we understand the student union’s place and meaning in society and find ways to develop the student union’s position and actions.

Vihreä lista (Vihreä lista)

The Green List is a non-party political group of green students. We have students from all three campuses. We want to have a student union which lobbies students’ benefits bravely and promotes openness, equality and friendliness to the environment in the community of the Tampere University and extensively in society. For the Green List education is free of charge, income support is basic income and the city is acological and student-friendly.

Do you think that equality, environment friendliness and accessibility are important values? Do you support democracy, education, communality and sustainability? If you answered YES, then the Green List is your list.

Luuppi_Puolue (LP)

Luuppi_Puolue was founded in 2011 and has its origins in LuuppiX, which started in 2007. We are part of the subject organization Luuppi, so we are proud Luuppians, dedicated to supporting students and student organizations in the Student Union Council. Our main goals last term were to make the student union more unified and equal, focus on student needs in facility policies, and place associations at the center of the student union. If you want to ensure that students’ voices don’t get lost due to a bug, choose Luuppi_Puolue!

Viva – Tampereen yliopiston vihreä vasemmisto

The Green Left of Tampere University, commonly known as Viva, is a red-green organization that operates within the decision-making bodies of Tampere Student Union, on campus, and throughout the city. Viva’s goal is to promote a more equal, solidaristic, and democratic university and society.

We believe that the university’s mission is to be a strong societal actor. In the Student Union Council, we aim to uphold a university that actively takes a stand and works for the common good. The Student Union must above all develop, rebel, and celebrate!

Kyltyrböndet (KB)

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Treyn Demariopiskelijat (SDO)

Enough with the cuts targeting students!

Trey’s Demariopiskelijat is an interdisciplinary social democratic electoral alliance. We believe that the student union must fully advocate for students’ interests in all matters, from studies to student welfare, employment, housing, and health issues.

Only together can we successfully ensure that students’ voices are heard in our university’s decision-making, and more broadly, that our students have sufficient income, quality healthcare, affordable housing, and a fairer working life.

Master Edators of Matter Energy and Stuff (MEMES)

Master Edators of Matter Energy and Stuff is a guild-based list from Hervanta. Our most important goal is to keep organizations at the center of TREY’s activities, as organizations are experts in student culture and the easiest way for a single student to be part of the university community. We want to support students’ sense of commonality, also across campus boundaries, and to bring TREY’s activities closer to students. We also consider it important to have good support services for students’ well-being and studies.

Kiltarajat ylittävä aktiivisten opiskelijoiden liitto

Kahden Tähden Teekkarit (KTT)

Kahden Tähden Teekkarit (Two Star Teekkaris or tech students), familiarly KTT, is an interdisciplinary group consisting of active teekkari-minded students. KTT’s core values have stayed the same from one council term to another: communality, focus on associations, inclusivity, equality, and open discussion. We at KTT want to do council work with effort, where we use the places to influence things actively, and discuss things between council groups. Follow KTT’s Instagram, and contact us there for example if anything’s on your mind!

International Representatives Group (IRG)

As the International Representatives Group we are collective of students dedicated to making Tampere University as international, sustainable and inclusive as possible, bridging the gap between international and Finnish students to create a community based on cooperation and unity. We want to make sure international students are represented when decisions concerning all students are made.

We believe in equality beyond nationality. Students’ voices should be heard regardless of who they are or where they come from.

IRG is a part of TEKIJÄ, sharing it’s values of: A Student Union close to its members, organizations at the center of the student union and student culture, campus cooperation and equality, and a social Student Union.

MedBoomare (MB)

MedBoomare aims to ensure that the student union focuses primarily on advocating for students and defending the interests of its members. We want to influence the issues that affect our student members the most and ensure that their voices are heard.

The economy of our student union is a central priority for us – we strive to promote sustainable financial management so that the student union’s resources are used responsibly and efficiently. Maintaining a balanced budget is key to enabling long-term operations.

Additionally, we strongly believe in a student culture driven by student organizations. The student union does not need to heavily invest in its own events, but rather should support and facilitate the activities of student organizations.

Rakennustekniikan, Arkkitehtuurin, Tuotantotalouden ja Tietojohtamisen OpISkelijAt (RATTOISA)

Students of Civil Engineering, Architecture, Industrial engineering and management and Information and knowledge management known as RATTOISA. We make the voices of the guilds we represent heard, and look after the interests of all students in general. In particular, we want to emphasise community and working together, and bring the voice of the teekkaris to the student council. RATTOISA makes an impact in the community by taking a bold stand on decisions that affect students’ daily lives. Together, let’s make a better student community for all of us!

Electoral Circles

Punavihreä kupla (Punavihreä kupla)

The “Punavihreä kupla” (red-green bubble/beetle) brings together two of TREY’s Representative Council lists: the Green List and Viva.

We are politically independent student activists who stand for shared values. At the core of our values are e.g. equality, democracy, community, and sustainability.

We want a student union that actively influences both within and outside the university.

Thanks to our shared values, you know what you’re getting when you choose the Punavihreä kupla ❤️💚

Learn more about us on Instagram at @vihrea_lista and @tampereviva

Silta (Silta)

The electoral circle Silta (Bridge) promotes open dialogue and, true to its name, builds bridges between campuses, faculties, and fields of study. Kontakti and Pro Kasvatustieteilijät are all about recognizing the unique needs of different fields, boosting student influence, and improving the status of student organizations. Here at Silta, with our constructive efforts, we’re working to create an active and responsible student union that cares deeply about student well-being, offers a wide range of useful member services, and provides impactful advocacy.

Punamulta (Punamulta)

Punamulta – Cooperation and balance for the benefit of students.

Punamulta is an electoral alliance of moderate forces that defends students’ interests between the extremes of politics. We believe in the power of moderation and that a balanced approach is the best way to safeguard students’ positions. We defend students’ rights in university studies as well as in matters related to livelihood and health. We are rooted in shared values of education, freedom, and equality. Our electoral alliance consists of the student lists of the Social Democratic and Centre students, bringing together centrist and center-left candidates on our lists.


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